A message to Occupied America

Day 1,324, 16:18 Published in USA USA by The Forecaster
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. -Abraham Lincoln

Fellow Americans,

The quote posted above was said by one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, leader our country has ever had the pleasure of having. He was facing a situation similar to the one we are currently treading through, except the fact that we were practically being invaded by ourselves. Do not think of this as one of the other morale boosters, this article is mainly my analysis on World War V and my thoughts in general.

As you have noticed, World War V has been thrust upon us like a bad Christmas gift for some time now. With the fairly recent loss of California, we've been pinned back to our ace in the hole, Hawaii. Actions must be made soon if we want to rise out of this chaos united. I'm not talking about the cat and mouse game we've been playing with ONE, either. I'm talking about a full on, planned offensive. I'm completely aware that our TERRA allies have their own fires to fight, but we must be on the same page globally if we want to push back and reclaim what's ours.

If we lose Hawaii, and Washington, ONE will be able to take their sweet time traversing the pacific and invading China, possibly even Russia, in the same fashion that they've invaded us. This would be a blow to TERRA, and it would be extremely hard to turn the tide of the War. If anything, we should use this as motivation to reclaim the western seaboard and use that momentum to send a message that we will not go down without a fight, as cliche as that sounds.

When your enemy is expecting the conventional, resort to the unconventional, right? We gotta get creative here, guys. We can't let our pride get hit every time ONE throws us to another side of the map. What does that have to say about us? We must send a message that the USA will not break, under any means. As Americans, we have defiance flowing through our veins.

As Americans, we need to pay homage to our rebellious roots that our nation was founded on and rock the boat as much as we can. Anything that will aid the enemy shouldn't be tampered with. Join a Militia or the Government divisions, as you can get free weapons and food, even gold, to Fight and Train with. What's better than that? Oh yeah, sending ONE back across the Atlantic with their tails between their legs.

Food for thought.

-The Forecaster