A Message from the Supreme Chancellor.....

Day 1,114, 07:24 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

Today’s Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ9WuX4oQU8

A Message to My Children

Greetings my children. My first days in office have been quite hectic. After assuming the role as Supreme Chancellor my days and nights have been filled with the peoples’ work. The enemies of the State, led by the outlaw criminal CRoy are slowly being captured and reeducated. Soon, the principles and teachings of the Revolution will be taught to all. Do not fear the State or myself. We are here to bring you a better and more rewarding life. My actions are done only out of love for you…. nothing more. Under my regime you will find true happiness, contentment, and brotherhood. Together we shall make the eUSA strong and will allow it to assume its rightful place in the world once more.


Together with our Brazilian allies we have begun to work on the outline for a Western Hemisphere alliance. This alliance will be mutually beneficial to both nations and will promote greater military and economic advancement for both nations. Although in just the early stages, I anticipate this brotherhood of Western Hemisphere nations will alter the paradigm of the game greatly and lead to the further spread of revolutionary principals and ideals.

A Natural Enemy?

With the announcement of the new Natural Enemy rule within the game module, I am greatly excited. I am deeply considering who our new natural enemy might be. I think this new rule will afford us an excellent opportunity to both flex our muscle and at the same time spread revolutionary principles to other corners of the globe. I am very hungry as I type this…I think I might go get myself some Taco Bell. BRB

The Libertarian Threat…..

I plan to eliminate the libertarian threat once and for all. I have waded into enemy waters and declared my candidacy for their Party Presidency. I plan to assume control of this party and educate their members about the glorious nature of the Revolution. All resistance will be quelled by this move and great things will be ahead for both the former Libertarians and the nation… Viva la Revolucion….Viva la Kitteh!!!!!