A Message from the Sabai Unity Party

Day 354, 14:11 Published in Thailand Thailand by Guy Kilmore

I come to you today to explain why I came to Thailand and why I became a member of the Sabai Unity Party. When I was living in the USA, I saw a vibrant and thriving community, but one that was already established; one that already had its leaders with their followers. It was very tough to find something that someone hadn’t already developed and industry, a plan, heck even relationships. It was a deeply entrenched culture and a hard one to muscle into because of the sheer volume of Citizens.

Jack Roberts, he was the mayor of Salem at the time, came to me and stated that he was looking for a change and wondering if I was looking for one as well. He began to tell me stories about Thailand and the various struggles it had. He talked about how there was a small active population looking to something different. Jack Roberts sold me on a vision.

I came to Thailand to follow this dream, to help Thailand be apart of the international community. Thailand was in shambles. There was a debate that was ensnaring the two largest Political Parties in Thailand, TNT and TRP. The debate culminated with threats from prominent members of TNT and the eventual action of
stealing from the Thailand government.

In the early days of the debate, I saw Jack organizing citizens to attempt to change this dialogue, to make it more than just about TNT vs. TRP. Now, there are some citizens who see it this way, but there are more who realize that the discussion needs to be about how do we make Thailand sustainable. Jack formed the Sabai Unity Party and we have the following goals in mind.

1). Improving the discourse in Thailand
2). Creating a Transparent Government to develop a sense of trust amongst Thailanders
3). Encourage Immigration of active citizens from larger countries to grow our workforce
4). The Creation of Government assisted programs to reward active citizens
5). Creating and promoting a positive image of Thailand to the international community

These are some ideals I agree with and why I support the Sabai Unity Party. Pebble Duly wrote an article describing the current platforms of the other political parties in Thailand. I recommend the rea😛

Some more on the history of the political situation in Thailan😛

I will also remind everyone that there is a Thailand chat at:
Type “/join #Thailand”