EThai taxes at "work": divying the loot after the Czech Hospital heist [UPDATED]

Day 344, 21:21 Published in Thailand Thailand by Ealb

Well, it's done. The cash has yet to be deducted from our treasury, but Bangkok has received its lovely Q1 Hospital, and Czech Hospital has received its payoff. It appears that the actual cost of the Hospital was 14999 THB (60g); Rockman appears to have provided them with a 15g gratuity for their complicity in looting our eNation's treasury directly out of his pocket as well.

For those wondering exactly how the rest of our 100k baht shall be put to use, you need only ask the following entities and individuals:

OCT Holdings: 30000.00 THB

SO Thai Elite 30000.00 THB

UOL Holding: 10000.00 THB

Rockman 9: 10000.00 THB

Antonio Salgado: 1000.00 THB

Jefferson_Anjim: 1000.00 THB

Splash_OS: 1000.00 THB

Croms: 1000.00 THB

sirguigui got 1000.00 THB from Rockman's own hand after he got his cut from the Czech SO

John Hancock pulled a cool 1k baht from Rockman up front, as soon as the Czech got their 15g

Antonio Salgado: 10000.00 THB (around 11:00 am server time 10/30/0😎

Rafael Shadow: 1000.00 THB (around 11:00 am server time 10/30/0😎

Given some of your ferocity in declaiming anyone who criticized Rockman's policies as totally unreasonable since he was bringing integrity to the office of President, which had formerly been a nest of vipers and thieves with no aim beyond fattening their own wallets... I must naturally offer my deepest apologies. How could I have been so blind?!? As to all the loyal TNT cadre who didn't make it onto the payroll: better luck next time? I'm sure Admiral - excuse me, "Emperor" Rockman is still doling more out, so make sure you get yours!

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(Source 2:

***UPDATE*** Antonio, Rafael, good work sticking up for yourselves! I'm sure you deserved those latest donations just as much as Rockman and co. deserve what they got!

Antonio Salgado: 10000.00 THB (around 11:00 am server time 10/30/0😎

Rafael Shadow: 1000.00 THB (around 11:00 am server time 10/30/0😎