A Message from the President-in-Canada

Day 2,638, 17:38 Published in Canada Canada by Kaminarinote

This is overdue, I guess, but really I haven’t gotten around to it. As you’ve probably already noticed, the last couple weeks – a so-called return – have been a farce, a show, for everyone’s entertainment, but especially for my own. That said, it’s been fun. Truth is I haven’t really been playing seriously for a long time, not since my time in DMV’s cabinet, and that is evident in how I’ve been behaving. My implosion (for the most part, though there are some legitimate reasons behind that I won’t actually get into), defection, defection again, death, resurrection, death again, resurrection again and false accrediting for DMV3’s CP campaign have all been orchestrated as attempts to keep activity alive in eCanada, due to its incredibly volatile and flagging nature. I play a character as many of you do, but sometimes the veil is drawn back and people can take it seriously and invest real emotions into the game. While this is inevitable, it is best checked quickly.

Now, what spurs on this confession isn’t any sort of guilt complex or cover-up, though undoubtedly I will be accused of some sort of deceit regardless, it was actually triggered by a reaction by Thedillpickl which caused me some concern. Thedillpickl is, in my legitimate opinion, the most caring player in the community and really an unsung hero of eCanada. Where DMV3 plays smart, Rylde plays bellicose, and I play the fool, my belief is that Dill plays out of genuine investment into the community as a whole. Which is why, when I saw him get honestly flustered as some of my more outlandish claims, I was compelled to write an apology letter of sorts informing him this was all a joke. This got me thinking that perhaps I owed the lot of you just as much, except for the trolls like Balzac who will always be trolls no matter what you say or do. It’s the internet, I’d be shocked and horrified if people like him didn’t exist. I hate to say this, but we need people like Leo (trolls more broadly) to keep things interesting. This is why I see my role as outrageous trickster as crucial. I’m an asshole, Minou will attest, and that fits my personality just well.

Anyway, I wanted to apologize to those of you who were generally upset by my comments and articles published over the past weeks, including any general past discretions before you disagreed with. You guys are genuinely great, and I’d rather like to leave on a good note instead of one where it is genuinely agreed I was a monster where my riddance was most good. Again, I am certain some of you will hold this opinion and not believe one whit of what I am writing here, but that is of no consequence. I am equally sure some of you will take this message to heart, and for that I thank you.

It has been a fun 10 months, on and off as it is, serving with you. We fought Americans together, we fought each other together, and then we fought…together. As I grow out of this game into the realm of reality, and watch as this dying browser game chills closer to a corpse, I will treasure the memories I’ve made here. I’d like to have been around in eCanada’s older glory days, joined the Crimson Order, et cetera, but I was admittedly preoccupied in eJapan doing my old routine there. As it goes. What I have experienced here was how this game SHOULD be played, beyond the mechanics. eCanada is everything right with eRepublik. It hasn’t succumbed to the dying “Plato needs a new yacht” wars of Europe, it hasn’t succumbed to obscurity and silent death like Asia and it hasn’t bureaucratized like eUSA. In this nation I still see the original light of hope, friendship, and online connectivity the very early versions of this game most held dear – before it became a pay-to-win cash out. eCanada was, is, and hopefully will always be the Old eRep triumphant, and may it stay so until the servers shut down. Never feel you need regions to be a nation.

I am exploring my options for future adventures in this game. Barring those, my permanent retirement – and not a show one – is not far off. Again this is the reason I write this in the first place, a last ditch attempt to reconcile my differences with the lot of you, before I send off – if you’ll excuse me breaking character.

Good night, and good luck,
Bruce Lightninghands

P.S Xander Kross, moreover his player, is own of the most talented, hilarious writers on the internet. At his discretion, I urge you to attempt to get some of his fiction in your hands. I promise you it’ll be worth it. As for our eFeud, it has kept things interesting and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have. Peace.