A memoir, and a short rant

Day 1,163, 23:36 Published in Russia USA by Alex Lawrence

Just bear with me. I'm kinda tired as I'm writing this. You've probably heard all this before, but too late, you've already started reading. You have to finish now.

Erepublik could have been a legitimately great game.

Props to whoever did this, it said puc87 on the url.

As a V1 baby I came into the game skeptically, but it grew on me, kinda sorta. I tried to get involved in the US, but its society was ruled by Beta giants (who were all super cool btw) and this was quite intimidating. Despite initial hesitancy, I tried a variety of things, like joining the National Guard, trying business (initially failing, but in the long run succeeding quite handsomely... sorta), trying my hand as a propaganda artist, etc.

It's a brave new world out there, brosef.

As time went on I lapsed into inactivity, but had a second coming of sorts with my adventure into Estonia. How exciting it was! Political intrigue surrounding the foundation of a country, muddy morality (who are the real bad guys, PEACE or the conception of PEACE?), business deals, military negotiations and later wars, which all eventually culminated with a whirlwind tour of the world for me in first the Airborne and then the Marines.

Semper Fi!

Then of course there was World War 3 (I believe that's the correct term?) when essentially everyone invaded the US, and the battle for Prince Edward Island (my personal favorite of the series of battles in North America). Once the war was over I decided to (shocker!) try my hand at espionage, and it was a very interesting time in England. I won Congress 3 times and could have gone on to win many more if I wanted to. To all my (I hope still) friends in England, you all were excellent peeps, and at times I did in fact wonder which side I should support. But the overall feeling of pessimism was not too appealing and was not worthy of me rewarding you all, I think.

Appropriate? Plz dont ban me sur.

Then I went off and did banking for quite a while (unless i got my chronology wrong, I'm tired), and I made quite a fortune, cornering the Croatian market and having a nice little chunk of EDEN investors in my pocket (as well as England and even Russia at one point). I was invited onto the Federal Reserve Board and could have become more a name than a behind the scenes guy as I had been. But a series of apathy and robbery occurred which derailed that.


How Erepublik should have been/could become better by doing

Pretty, but kinda stupid. The theme of the following:

Erepublik has always lacked a realistic monetary system. Gold should not be just thrown out willy nilly; the rewards are too large and too often. It's bad enough (speaking from an economics, not a game point of view. I entirely support selling currency to fund the game.) having people buy ridiculous amounts of cash and becoming superpowers in and of themselves (see: Max Mcfarland II and Parter).

The administrators are probably one of the most hard working groups of admins I have ever seen. In the same breath, they are probably the most hyperactive. They are always trying to improve the game, and a lot of the time their decisions are wrong, but come from a good idea. Switching the battle systems like five times since the creation of the game is UNNECESSARY. SIMPLY OVERKILL. It was fine with the wall system of V1. I was even kind of open to the tiles thing they had going for a bit. But then changing to some bastard version of Beta and then doing lots of weird modifications to the strength system is just stupid. Even before I took my recent 4 month hiatus, why was I as strong as some people who had played for like 6 or 9 months? (At that time I had played for close to two years).

The admins want to have a game of hundreds of thousands of dedicated players. They expect to handle the issues of all those players with a staff that is so tiny it takes them months to deal with any issue (believe me, as someone who has dealt with the now dead contract dept, spam dept, scamming dept, account dept, etc). How does that make the player inclined to stay? I was robbed of over 66% of all my cash 2 months ago, and I gave the admins a specific time frame of when the robbery occurred (12 hours). All they had to do was check to see if a 530 gold (or more likely, a few large 50 or 100 chunks in succession between the same groups) monex exchange occurred and get the money back. Nothing has happened. Why should I come back to play here when months of work is lost like that with no help?

The admins cannot see something in plain sight. Illegitimate PTOs like the channers and a variety of other cloning incidents (Rod Damon knows all about this) can be quite obvious, but even after a report is filed to them, they are apt to reject it. They will ban a clone that has a racist name, but not the rest of his non-racistly named clone farm. My favorite admin decision was not banning the entire cast of South Park in a Russian factory, owned by Butters I think.

In short: The player base in erepublik is probably the single greatest online community of gamers I have ever seen, accounting for its size and diversity. The game system, if the admins can stick to one that is good, can be great. If the admins want to do a whole lot of changes, create another world/server. Don't put all your eggs in one basket admins. Stay classy erepublikans.

You too admins.