A medal which balanced this game

Day 1,385, 07:15 Published in Slovakia USA by Ghostbiker
Today, on Day 1,385 of the New World, I finally managed to get the Mercenary achievement.
Was it actually worth for me? If you consider the moving costs, food and weapon usage – no.
But I am free once again while none of the existing medals on my profile page is colored grey.
That was definitely worth and from now on I can „peacefully“ live my eLife onward.

The medal itself was one of those perfect steps from the eLabs to bring more balance in the game, „forcing“ the citizens to split their influence effort in different battles around the globe. Sometimes, mercenaries put the bar from losing side to winning side in the resistance wars,
or the influence just get lost 2 minutes before the minibattle ending when the counter already shows 0 : 1760.

No wonder then ONE alliance lost in three weeks 70% of their foreign territories, small countries appeared on the map once again, Serbia got deleted by EDEN & Terra... of course it goes hand in hand with the new RW rule where organized groups succeed by getting their 10 Resistance hero medals. I can still remember my RH medal which cost me 35g...

Back to topic, is it „cool“ to fight against your allies or friends? To say the truth, I don't really care about alliances, but I care about friends. So I think it's not. Therefore I don't need another Mercenary medal and if received for the second time, as a real mercenary only! From now on, I'll be proud of collecting flags in real wars, where the influence is really neede😛

Starting from zero

Let's hope the last 2 „Coming soon“ medals will finally be of economy or social kind.
To arms, soldiers!

Tired of War,