A Manifesto: Still Growing Strong

Day 697, 23:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I'm officially announcing my intention to run for reelection in Cork and Kerry.

There are alot of reasons to vote for me. I'm smart, savvy, and I clean up pretty well. I have no problem putting my boots on and going into battle, but I'm equally comfortable in my suit. Or more accurately my little black dress with three inch heals transforming this Almost Amazon from 5'10 to a stunning 6'1. 😉

I have proven my worth, by demonstrating my willingness to roll up my sleeves and dive right into anything I have set my mind to. I have made it my mission to be as active as possible barring unavoidable trips into the Technological Abyss. (Sorry, but I do have to visit me Ma occassionally.) If elected, you will see the same dedication as I always give.

A few things I do want to hilight are as follows:

-I am for anything that will nurture our most vulnerable citizens and transform them into productive members of eIreland. As new topics affecting new citizens arise, I will fervently defend the rights of our baby noobs, as I have always done.

-I want to see Ireland take steps to elevate their profile in the world. Whichever path we choose, I will debate the issues with your welfare and the welfare of all Irish citizens in mind.

- I will encourage debate on new immigration policies that will continue to welcome all who choose our Emerald Shores. We have been seeing an increase in applicants, a very good problem to have. Processes will need to be reviewed and updated to meet the increasing demand. I will keep you updated as this develops

I'm not much for campaign promises. But I will make this one promise.

I promise that so long as you are respectful of others and always do what is good for all of Ireland, I will not throw breakables at you. But I still reserve the right to castrate a certain rat with a nice pair of brand new shiny scissors. 😎ayan knows what I"m talking about.

As for the rest, many of you have gotten to know me over the last few weeks. You know the caliber of my convictions.

In my last manifesto my vision was "Dare to Grow". Well, we are growing, Ireland. We have broken the 1500 population barrier and we are still growing. We HAVE Dared to Grow. So I will revise my vision a wee bit to reflect our current effort.

"Still Growing Strong"

We are meeting the challenge on several fronts and we are striving hard to continue this trend. We are not growing for the sake of growth, but we are growing a richer, stronger Ireland.

We are nurting our new talent. Some are running for Congress as well. We are attracting venerable veterans to our emerald shores. We are managing our resources more effectively and with the revitalization of the IDF we are organized, vigilant, and ready for whatever may come our way.


Don't you love it when a vision becomes a reality? 😃 I know I do.

I would like to continue the work I have started. I would be honored to have your vote.

Edana Savage, Candidate for Congress.
Still Growing Strong!

Minister of New Citizens, 2nd Term
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry