A Man with both Goat and Horse Sense

Day 407, 06:53 Published in Thailand Thailand by Guy Kilmore

I apologize for any typos or for the "fluidity" of this article; I am typing from a hotel lobby and the keyboard is made for hands much smaller than mine.

I have heard requests from several citzens of Thailand that I make a run for the presidency of Thailand. I have refrained from doing so for a number of personal reasons, time, being one of them. Upon reflection, even without being in the highest office in the land I still spend alot of time on this game. I decided to take their words to heart and toss my hat into the ring.

I am officially annoucing my run for the presidency of Thailand.

I am an experienced politician, I have been a voice for increasing the activity of players, I have invested my personal funds into the expansion of thailand, and I will always be a voice against corruption. I began my political career as the Mayor of Salem, upon hearing about the opportunities that awaited in Thailand from Jack Roberts I agreed to help him move. I was intergral in the first large immigration of foreign citizens to Thailand to combat the rampant corruption of the Rockman 9 regime. I donated my own gold to create the "Iron Bank" as an Organization to hold stolen funds and to protect the people's money of Thailand. I have confronted corrupted politicians, no matter the party or venue, at every opportunity. I have held a congressional seat and I have always made my voice and thoughts known on a vote. I have served the last two presidents as a special advisor on issues such as the economy, domestic concerns, and foreign affairs.

With this experience to reflect upon, I feel that any plans for Thailand should remain simple and direct. This reduces the opportunity for corruption, it makes transparency easier, it is easier to coordinate, and allows for greater activity. I will break it down as thus:

1). Civilian Recruitment: This institution is running fine and I see little need to change it. It was something started by Jack Roberts and I, during the Rockman 9 presidency. Beta presented obstacles in running it that V1 has since removed. Antonio has taken it to heights I have never dreamed of. This is evident by other countries starting to copy our strategy. I also believe that recruitment is further benefited by the GMs of our country reaching out to active citizens of the world.

2). Economics: Upon reviewing the article I posted a couple days back. I do not think that reducing the amount of Baht taken through corruption is possible. The key to our economic success is recruitment. As more people come, wages will decreases, prices will decrease and the baht will strengthen. My biggest fear is economic stagnation. I do support the concept of a Central Bank for a couple of reasons.
A). Thailand could use more gold in its treasurey.
😎. To make sure there are transactions of gold to baht and vice versa occuring. This encourages foreign investment because they know that the baht they earn can be exchanged for gold and for greater profit. This also supports our local industries in exporting goods and being able to convert gold to baht to pay for their employees
C). To monitor the currency exchange. While we can't be the leader nor set the exchange rate, we can influence it. Jack Roberts did this with great success during his presidency, I look to operate under a similar function.

3). Wellness: Nouveak has done a wonderful job of running our wellness program. I hear citizens praise him for his activity daily. I hope he chooses to continue in his position, as I feel the program is attractive to new citizens and strengthens production. With this said, I do see issues of sustaining the wellness of our citizens and while the Wellness Program is a step there is something more to be done. (Which I will get to later).

4). Foreign Affairs: Thailand is gaining enough of a notice, espicially amongst smaller nations, that we should begin to look towards how we will interact with other nations. I will break down my views
A). PEACE vs. ATLANTIS. I desire neutrality, but I think in the growing conflicts around the world this will be hard to maintain. Indonesia has always been a friend to us, but many of our citizens have come from ATLANTIS nations. I support maintaining diplomatic ties with countries and not neccessarily an alliance. If push came to shove, because of real politic, I would look towards joining PEACE.
😎. We have an issue with grain/food production in this country. I would support reducing the import taxes on grain. I would also propose that we arrange agreements with countries to provide them resources/products that they cannot produce in the exchange for food/grain. I feel that this can be done under contract, donations/loans of gold to the appropriate countries for an export license, and possibly using an MPP to formalize relations.
C). MPPs: I see two uses for them that benefit Thailand directly. We can use them to strengthen relations with our neighbors and fellow countries. I also feel that they can help improve wellness. I would advocate for aligning with countries who are geographically far from us and yet are under threat of invasion. If they are attacked this allows us to participate in that conflict and lets us use the well developed hospital system that we have. Who we enter these MPPs with would have to be carefully considered, but I have felt that with our wellness issues our Hospitals have been an untapped resource.

5). I would look at the following positions in government: Director of Civilian Recruitment (DCR), Director of the Wellness Program (DWP), Secretary of Defense (SoD), Director of the Housing Program (DHP), President of the Central Bank (PC😎, and Vice President. Nouveauk (DWP), LaGrange (SoD), Beorn (DHP), and Antonio (DCR) I would extend them the opportunity to remain in their current positions if they so desire. (I believe Antonio resigned his position, but he has been acting as the titular head ever since.) I would be open to hearing from interested individuals regarding the PCB and the position of Vice President. I am also flexible with the idea that those who are in current positions would also be elligable to fill other posts if they so desire. My first goal upon becoming President is to fill these positions within the first week.

Antonio is a worthy candidate and an active voice. I feel that I offer a difference of approach that is more beneficial to Thailand. I look foward to competing with him. I hope the people of Thailand will chose me to serve them as their President.