A Lot Going On At the Moc...

Day 756, 03:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear all,

Firstly - Sorry for the delay in this article. As some of you will be aware I pulled my shoulder late last Thur and between the pain and the meds I wasn't savvy enough to get anything together pretty much through to Sunday. But! I'm here now and launching an old favorite, plus a couple of competitions.

Please take note for where you need to send your entries for each item, as with many submissions expected it would be easy to get lost in the push if you send to wrong place.

So firstly!

The eIrish Community Awards

The voting on December's eIrish Community Awards is now officially open, and all nominations are to be sent to 😎ayan, at her citizen account. In this first round you can nominate anyone you chose so long as they qualify. You can't nominate someone with no fight experience for soldier, for example, or someone who's never been congress or in a Ministry for politician.

If you would like to sponsor one of the awards on behalf of yourself or a company please PM this org. We had very generous sponsors last term who gave Q5 weapons, a massive bundle of Q1s, a house etc. but we welcome all sponsorship.

The categories are:

Most Trusted Politician
Who of the current or recent TDs/Ministers etc. stands out to you as having fulfilled their campaign promises? Who's been honest and upfront? Who's served eIreland before themselves?

Most Acclaimed Publisher
Whose articles do you never fail to read? Who keeps you informed or entertained, who gets you thinking or explains things you might not have understood nice and clearly? Maybe they do all of the above.

Most Celebrated Soldier
Which of our soldiers stands out to you as one who should be applauded? Maybe they're a great leader, a tireless fighter - maybe they're both.

Best General Manager
Whose company/companies are always well stocked with raw materials? Maybe they stand out for another reason - do they offer any perks you couldn't get elsewhere, or are the wages are generous? If you think a general manager deserves praise here's your chance to give it to them.

Newcomer/Up-and-comer to Watch
Who, of level 14 or less, has already made an impression? Are they getting involved already, making their voice heard? Nominate them here.

Irelander of the Month
This can be anyone, for any reason. One Irish citizen who stands out to you as deserving of an award. Maybe they're a trusted poltician, and a great manager, and many other things... maybe they've helped you out when times were hard, or worked hard for the nation. Whoever and for whatever reason this is your chance to get them the attention they deserve. For this category a brief explanation of why you're nominating them would be greatly appreciated.

Please try and nominate in each category, though this is not compulsory. Because she's collating the votes 😎ayan is exempt from nomination, and as MoC so am I. <3

Closing date for the first round of nominations is next Monday, December 21st.

The eIrish Lottery

Details of this event can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-irish-community-189477/1

This week's draw will happen hopefully around 11pm GMT tonight, though I do have a meeting to go to so it may happen a little earlier or later.

Newbie House Draw - Level 14s or below

Yep, we have another house for our newbies! My old one, as it happens, a lovely Q2 that has served me well over the last few months.

If you are level 14 (at time of entry) or below all you need to do to participate is to PM my org Donut Stores, with the subject line 'house draw' and opt in. The draw will take place on Sunday 20th December around 5pm GMT.

Win 5g for Being Nice

As you will have seen in my last article I was contemplating how to run a Secret Santa for the eIrish Community. I had just about decided it would be a logistical nightmare anyway when my deputy had to step down from her post.

So! I came up with an alternative. It's the end of the year now and a time traditionally set aside for reflection. Many of us are only still with the game because of one or two citizens who helped us along, or befriended us, or offered us help here and there and I was thinking now's probably a good time to show our gratitude.

To enter this competition all you need to do is write an article - a nice article - about the person or persons you'd like to thank, and why, and then link to the article here. If you have no newspaper of your own I will happily publish it for you on my citizen account, einberliner, if you PM your article there (articles over 2000 characters can be sent to einberlinerdocs@googlemail.com but make sure to include your citizen name). You should write at least one paragraph for each citizen (who doesn't have to be eIrish but should preferably still be with the game) and your nominations should be genuine. If you nominate a known scammer for their honesty I'm gonna spot something's amiss. This is a public, personal thank you. As such you can talk any anybody/anybodies you like.

Because this involves writing and reflection I'm giving people until St. Stephen's Day/Boxing Day/December 26th to write their articles and link to them here. All those who enter will have their name entered into a draw and the 5g will be awarded to the first name out of the hat.

2g will be awarded to a person mentioned in one of the articles, using the same drawn-from-a-hat system.

Remember - it's important to link to your article here or at least PM this org with the link, otherwise I may miss your article and therefore you won't be entered.

And finally - Two Q5 Weapons

This, lads, is why I'm always poor. Fortunately I've been stockpiling.

I would like this article to appear in the Top 5 news stories as fast as possible and I totally encourage people to use their orgs as well as their citizen accounts to get it there, I'm shameless I know but I want as many people as possible to get a chance to participate in all of these events.

So! If you shout a link to the article (and then rep here letting me know you've shouted it) I will put your name in a hat. After forty-eight hours (noon GMT on Thursday) when this article no longer qualifies for being Top 5 this competition will close. On Thursday evening, around 7pm GMT, I will draw a name from all those who shouted her up and that person will win 2 x Q5 weapons.

Just for one shout and letting me know about it.

You can't say I'm not nice to ye lol.

With love,