A Long Time Coming (aka Bizzy-natch, Peace)

Day 584, 22:45 Published in USA USA by Claire Littleton
~A Long Time Coming~

Dear Readers,

I am Claire Littleton, the 4th Term Congresswoman from New Jersey (3rd term in Jersey, had my first term in Montana). I just finished up my service as Deputy Speaker of the House for 3 terms and am now the Libertarian Party President. I am writing you today to clear up a few things about me, as a eUS Citizen and to shed light on why I do the things I do.

For the first month in Congress, I was well liked because I kept my mouth shut and basically did what I was told. I quickly was appointed the DSoH job and quickly started gaining political presence. Then, I took a leap and I ran against the USWP candidate, Lowell Kennedy for my second term in New Jersey. I did this to avenge my good friend, Tiacha because she had lost the USWP backing and in that election (a whole story unto itself) and the USWP tried to run a 52 state run to take all of the eUS. Anti-USWP sentiments ran high that month and I quickly caught on and was the self-proclaimed Anti-USWP spokes-person. This is when my public image both strengthened and weakened.

The USWP immediately started to not like me because of my articles bashing them, and I can completely understand that. I said some bad things about them and I will take full responsibility for where I stand today with that party. I did, however, a week after that election, extend a peace offering with the USWP PP, Ananias. It seemed to be going well between me and the USWP, but then Ananias tried to Congressionally Censure me for deleting his posts on the eUS forums because I had Moderation Powers. The truth is, I never deleted his posts. He listed other examples of why I should be stripped of my powers (all baseless), but not a single Congressperson sided with him. That was put to rest, but the personal back-stab in a time of peace talks between myself and the USWP put an end to my attempts to befriend them. I fell back into Anti-USWP mode.

At the time, I was also crossing party lines to become the White House Press Secretary under President Scrabman. I did this for a term, but then resigned because of personal differences. I had written an article in the Press Paper saying why, which I admitted was the wrong thing to do within that very same article. I just wanted to get my point across. This furthered the hate. Things continued to go south between me and the USWP.

In the midst of all of this, I earned a reputation of being a "bizzynatch." Now, I want to say that I admit that I am a bizzynatch, but only when needed to be one. When people are being jerks to me, I am a jerk right back... but I need to realize that isn't the right way to go. I had always had a sense of humor on the eUS chats where I would pretend to be biznatchy, but then after some time... that pretending started to get skewed with real bizzynatchiness and people started to not tell where the line was drawn. Then, the rumors started. People started making up things about me because they didn't like me. I'm not going to say who cause it's over, but I never put those rumors in the spotlight. I figured the best way to deal was to ignore them. Turns out in the Internet world, that is a bad idea. So, the rumors continued to spread and the anti-Claire movement within the USWP had started to spread to their friends outside of the party. Eventually it led to an actual Party called "Clairesucksamirite" (or something like that). I knew I was in trouble when I saw that out of the 13 people in the party, I didn't even know who 11 of them were. People were beginning to just jump on the Claire band-wagon of hate cause it was the cool thing to do. Mainly because President Scrabman joined the party (which is a whole other topic on how a President should act. I actually like Scrabman now and I can't speak for him, but I don't think he feels the same way as he once did about me). Its one thing to hate me if you know me, but it's another to just hate for no reason. Thats part of the reason I'm writing this.

In the end game of all of this, I really did turn into quite a bizzynatch. When you have a large popular group promoting hate upon you... well, defensive mode kicks in. My bizzynatchiness extended out of the USWP as well... When people talk badly about my party or my friends, I go into attack mode like a crazy Italian Mother when someone talks badly about their family. This is a game and there is no need for any of this. I am rather well known for being nice and helping out the new players and new people in government and I hate that those qualities are being overshadowed because of pointless bickering.

This past month, I took control of the Libertarian Party and that is part of why I am writing this article. I need to set my personal differences with the USWP aside for the sake of the party and for the sake of the betterment of the eUS. I am officially apologizing to the USWP and to the eUS for my behavior towards them. I am willing to let all differences aside and start working with them on a professional and personal level. Will I love them all, no... there are key members who said some really bad things, done some really bad things and our friendship will never happen. On the whole, the USWP has been very unfair towards me and I have been the same towards them. I am ending my side of it and hope that the USWP can end their side as well.

On the same token, I am very good friends with a number of USWPers as well. I hate to generalize the entire USWP into one massive clump, but the majority of the problems between me and the ones who share a dislike of me are from people within the party. So, if I ever say USWP, I don't really mean every single one of you guys. I wanted to clear that up before you comment saying that you are my friend or saying that generalizing a few people's opinions to the entire party isn't fair. So, all in all, I'm done. My main objective is to continue to build the Libertarian Party in a way that includes multi-partisan action.

That's it. I just wanted to clear the air. Also, as any good Party President will tell you, I am exhausted after this week. I will be around this weekend, but not as much as I have been. So, if I am infrequent with my comments or my PMs to you, I am taking it easy. Come Monday, I will be back and ready to go back to work in the world of ePolitics. Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a great weekend!

~Claire Littleton