A Little Short of Funds.

Day 1,789, 15:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello Ireland.

Anthony Colby here. Your Minister of Community. Good to be back on the actual paper instead of my own personal paper now that the password situation is straightened out. Well at least for this org anyway. Not that the Communities org really is a good target since there is exactly .18 IEP in the account.

That is the reason I am putting out this article. In order to hold a lottery, or any other contest really we need some cash for prizes. Or at least some prizes for prizes. I am counting on the generosity of the Irish Community to donate whatever you can in order to keep us afloat and let the Community go about the business of doing Community business. Got that. Good.

Send all donations to Anthony Colby. I am going to create a spreadsheet that records all funds in and out that will be published at the end of the term to show where our money goes. So look in the pockets of that coat you have not worn for a while. Dig under the couch cushions if you must. But we need money. I will fund some of what we are doing myself but I am far from rich. I can't even see rich from where I am.


Minister of Community
Anthony Colby