A Little About the APP

Day 1,840, 12:34 Published in Australia USA by olaf iverstone

Hello everyone,

I am going to interrupt the articles and debates for the Prime Minister position to let you read something a bit different.

Today I wish to inform you about the Australian Parliamentary Party (or APP for short, and how it will be referred to for the rest of this article to save time). The APP combines the energy of the young with the experience of the old. We have votes on all major issues to decide how the party will stand. Best of all, we stand by each other, through thick and thin.

The energy of the young allows stuff to get done. In a party, this is important, yet without the experience of the old, their (the young) energy may be spent ineffectively, or in the wrong direction. We work to direct their energy and gain them valuable knowledge and insight into the politics and workings of this game.

Voting. You probably would have guessed that this might come up. In the APP, everyone’s voice is heard. We have votes put in place on the forums to figure out how the party feels about an issue, from who to support for Prime Minister to stuff going on in the senate so our senators know how the party wishes for them to vote. This is a majorly important part, as there are parties and people out there who do not care what the people in the party think so long as the party president gets what he wants.

We stand by each other, I think this is the most important. If you need help with anything, let us know and we will help. Just having a down day and need to chat with someone? We can help with that too.

If you like what you see above, and wish to join, click this link, or, if you wish to learn some more, mail me, or argi the eliminator.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled reading.