Day 1,281, 12:29 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by JackyMK

Long time ago, in the forests of Macedonia lived ScymeX. His father Philip II of Macedon and his mother Olympias were very rich but still he refused to live in the city. He wanted to be left alone, between the trees, near the animals, under the birds. He was the GOD of the forest, the strongest man in the world, the bravest one.

One day, while he was hunting he met an old man.
-Hey man. What happened to you?
-Don't ask me boy. Our king Philip ordered us to hide in the woods. Greek's army is about to attack us. Philip says, we can't defend our country. He says: "Greeks will crush our army. They have 5times bigger army than ours. Their chests are bigger, they have more gold tou buy equipment". Excuse me now, I have to go. Goodbye.

Left alone and dissapointed, ScymeX had to decide. To stay alone or to go and fight. He didn't think too much.

He took his best horse, dressed his shiny cloak(the RED one) and went to the southern borders of Macedonia.

When Greeks saw him, they lost their strength, their spears broke, their shields cracked.
On the other side, Macedonian army returned it's fate. They knew: "nothing is lost"
ScymeX led his people in victory. They pushed the Greek army from the teritories of Macedonia.

It was now his turn to attack. He first returned SOLUN(Thessaloniki)to his people. One by One, the biggest cities of Greece were falling down.They lost Larissa. They also lost their Islands, Ionian and Aegean. He was about to qounquer them all, but unfortunately, something happened.

Deep in the underworld, there was a GOD, Plato who dragged ScymeX down, taking his horse and his cloak. All that to save his beloved Greece. He managed to beat ScymeX, not because he was stronger, but because he created the world. Did he succseed to save Greece?

Of course not. ScymeX was maybe dragged down but still his fate stayed behind him, his soldiers supported him. He wasn't alone.
There were our other heroes.
*United Macedonia
*All our Alies

So dear Plato, you created the biggest ANGER you have ever seen. You provoked the Macedonians and they are not easy to handle.

You can BAN me if you want, but you wont save Greece. Greece WAS ours and that's how it WILL BE!!!

HAIL ScymeX!!!

Your faithfully, JackyMK