A Letter From Someone

Day 714, 02:21 Published in Australia Indonesia by Maximus Sammitto

To my friends in eAustralia, with all my respect upon you

After the event of WA liberation, and maybe from faraway behind in time

when eIndonesia occupied several eUSA states, the Americans always hold a

resentment upon us. Together with eRomania and now with eAustralia also, they keep mocking on us, saying we are imperalist and disgraceful, saying we are "the wrong one" and you are "the right one".

I have my own personal opinion upon these issues, but that's my personal

feelings toward my country and my nation. And I shall keep that in my

heart, because I stand here....I stand here as a part of a nation, of a

country, and as a grandchildren of my founding fathers, not as an individual. Whether our predecessor or us was/is wrong or right, let time decide that. Not you, or me, or others. We pathed our way and our destiny in this eWorld with hard fought and struggles. Bitter and sweet, we swallowed it through our time, and there shall be no one allowed to deny that.

If you don't like what we're doing or did, fight us. But quit chirping around like a bird and saying to us what is wrong and what is right. Is not you to decide, and not even us. We just choose. And that's life. Life is about choosing your way and your destiny. If our destiny collide and crash upon each other, come what may. We shall hold dearly to our destiny, and I believe you will also. We shall shout to the whole eWorld, that no one.....!! No one....!! No one can tell us what is wrong and what is right!! And I believe you will shout the same thing also. And in the end, destiny shall answer.

But I truly hope we can fix all the broken pieces. If it's not today, maybe someday. I sincerely hope. Thank you.

Karnataka, Somewhere upon time

From common people