A History Moment - The Sequel

Day 439, 19:39 Published in Canada Canada by David Eastcorner

Well, you may have seen last week's article on "The Goon Menace," and I hope you enjoyed it.

Today we have an Article dating from 3 months ago, by Augustus Baldwin. It's all about Johnson and his multies...

Today, Johnson, better known as Cesar Augustus, is a productive and helpful member of eCanada.

Anyways, on to the history article!

Johnson And All His Multis Have Been Banned Thanks To You!
By Augustus Baldwin

In Canada we have a problem, and its name is Johnson. There is this kid who is a complete moron. He starts a political party in Canada the day he joins the game and populates it with multis. So we have him banned. But the admins miss some multis and he continues to proliferate. This time he just renames his multis to other Johnson based names and rejoins his multi party. And the admins aren't banning him again, yet he keeps creating more and more and more and more multis. He must have 10 or 20 at this point and they keep trying to join the same party and pretend as if they are not him. He even gets up in the media and pretends he is a different guy with a similar name as if we are complete idiots. Take a look at the movement of his multi gold, its a full time job just to keep track of this guys multis. I've reported him I don't know how many times. Now the Ministry of the Interior asks that you report him. Please click the contact link at the bottom of the page and fill out the form with this message to report it the admins:

Following is a list of multi accounts user donation and a cheating SO owned by the multi accouters. Please ban them.

http://www.erepublik.com/user_do nations-1203291.html
http://www.erepublik.com/us er_donations-1201405.html
http://www.erepublik.com/us er_donations-1200625.html
http://www.erepublik.com/us er_donations-1200387.html
http://www.erepublik.com/us er_donations-1198528.html
http://www.erepublik.com/pr ofile-218541.html
http://www.erepublik.com/pro file-77721.html

Cheating SO -> http://www.erepublik.com/profile-1200628.html

Do your country a public service and fill the admins inbox with demands to have this guy banned.

This has been a message from the Interior Ministry.

...So that concludes this week's article. As always, feel free to ask questions, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

Also, if you'd like one of your articles from the days of yore to be posted, just let me know!

David Eastcorner