A Historical Update: Kyushu to Kiwi

Day 1,113, 09:37 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by WahooBob

December 7th: a day which will live in infamy.
In 1941, it was the day that the Japanese forces pulled a sneak attack on the American naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In 2009, eUSA President Jewitt retaliated with an attack on Kyushu, Japan. The attack was meant to give the United States a foothold in Asia to begin a campaign that would come to be known as the Three Pillars. The Japanese claimed the moral high ground of neutrality and resisted the attack. At the end of the day, though, the attack was thwarted not by Japanese neutrality but Hungarian mobile forces. Once it became clear that the US was not going to be able to enter Asia by force, the Americans ramped up diplomatic efforts. Days later, the Japanese allowed the US to enter by retreating a handful of battles. The United States went on to win a number of historic battles against major Phoenix powers despite being pushed to just a single region only three months earlier.

I believe that here in New Zealand, we can learn some important lessons from history. Last week, we saw two very different factions in this country. One group claimed power and neutrality; the “provisional government” folks, the Unity group, the “New Zealand Community” crew, whatever you want to call them. The other group was less interested in neutrality and began to force their will on the other. We could see major alliances step in, as in the battle for Kyushu, and New Zealand will become a battleground for a proxy war between EDEN and Phoenix, much like the RL Koreas in the 1950s. Or, we could see a cooperation and collaboration between two groups who may not be that different after all. Today, Japan is a member of the “Brolliance,” basically a who’s who of America’s friends.

Personally, I hope that we can see cooperation between everyone. I have seen Don Kronox use the New Zealand forums more to run his government, and I hope that others will follow his example. My university’s firewall is not friends with IRC at the moment, but I think that it is another great communication tool and will use it when I can. In truth, communication is the very best way for all of the Kiwis to get to know each other. I encourage everyone to use both, and make a new friend or two.

It has been nearly two weeks since I was elected to the Parliment, so I think it's time to give the voters an update on what I have been doing for them.

Tax Changes: DID NOT VOTE

I did not agree with the wave of tax changes proposed on the 26th, but they had already earned more than enough votes to pass by the time I logged on for the day. Since I don't get any EXP for voting anymore, I didn't see a need to vote.


I voted yes on all of these because the national treasury was running out of NZD. We still have more than enough Gold, so don't be worried, but it is good to have a large supply of NZD as well. The treasury uses a constant offer to sell NZD on the money market to control the price of currency. We need a stable currency to make New Zealand attractve to buisness owners.

Peace with Australia: VOTE YES

We were going to MPP with Australia as well, but they were defeated by Indonesia before that could happen. Oh well.

Weekly Comic by Dncelyn - click to enlarge

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