A Hard Rain Falls:

Day 3,297, 13:28 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Party Updates:

I'm going into the second half of my tenure. I've been pretty thorough with my updates, but I haven't given enough credit to those that are helping make it possible. I'm going to drop some names.

Evilbino Noman and Ilene Dover are operating the Mentoring Program. If you have questions about anything, feel free to contact them.
F.U.P.Q. is accepting volunteers. Contact Evilbino, Ilene or myself, if you'd like to help.

Wooky Jack is running Rainy Day food and tanks. You just have to reply in the MU feed, to get supplies.

Hoss1965 is Supplying free moving tickets and houses. Any member of SFP can buy these items and message Hoss for reimbursement.

Vincent Nolan is distributing the daily rations. Any party member can respond in the party feed and receive supplies.

The Bear Cavalry subsidizes training grounds. Contact Jimmy Cincinnati for details. We understand that perception centers will be introduced, but the training ground is still equitable. We will discuss the perception subsides, when they are introduced.

Note: all party programs are funded with private contributions. They are available without communes. But if you are into that sort of thing, contact Wooky Jack or PilotPhil. They pay more than the market.


If you don't like how things are going, you should tell these people.
So far, our delegation had 100% attendance. (Can't represent your constituents, if you don't show up.)

Our delegation includes;
Ilene Dover
Wooky Jack
Tom Cauchon
Frank Stone
Jimmy Cincinnati
Vincent Nolan
Wooky is the Congressional Whip.

Salty is Vice Party President.

Kevin Sheridan is the Secretary General and Bear Cavalry Command.

Frank Stone is councilor and treasurer.

Phil Harmony is Spokesperson.

Tom Caucon Shiloh13, Wooky Jack, Frank Stone and TheNorm and I are responsible for recruitment and retention.

The Revolutionary Committee includes a large number of advisors and observers. They are;
Jimmy Cincinnati Perry Rhodan, crvnazvezda, GonzoVeritas, Niemand, shiloh13, Salty, Wooky Jack, TheNorm, Evilbino Noman, MaryamQ, Vincent Nolan, PilotPhil, Artela, Endless Nameless, Patrilum, Tom Cauchon, 11austin, chenjames, Coin Keeper, Franklin Stone, Alien Overlord, Kevin Sheridan, Ilene Dover, Phil Harmony, Hoss 1965, Archangel Azrael Komeko, JFstpierre and JamesB009.

Writers Guild is;
Franklin Stone, GonzoVeritas, Niemand, JFstpierre, Salty, Wooky Jack, MaryamQ, Vincent Nolan, Artela, hoss1965, Tom Cauchon, 11austin, Komeko, Kevin Sheridan, Ilene Dover, Phil Harmony and Jimmy Cincinnati.

Recruitment and retention is;
Jimmy Cincinnati, shiloh13, Wooky Jack, TheNorm, Evilbino Noman, Tom Cauchon, Franklin Stone, Kevin Sheridan and Ilene Dover.

Economics Committee includes;
Frank Stone, Pilot Phil, Wooky Jack, Hoss1965, Vincent Nolan and Jimmy Cincinnati.

War Council includes;
Jimmy Cincinnati, Mocat, JFstpierre, Salty, Wooky Jack, Evilbino Noman, PilotPhil, Yui MHCP001, Linus Ben, J.V. Stalin., John Spasov, 11austin, SamalNSK, Coin Keeper, Franklin Stone, J.A. Lake, Kevin Sheridan, Ilene Dover, Captain John.Price, John Gregorson and Sir Robert de Dudley. (All war council members are drafted, without consent.)

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history.

The primary for our presidential endorsement is in progress. Fingerguns and Komeko are the only candidates that asked for an endorsement. There is ,also, an option to abstain from an endorsement.
The poll closes on the first.