A Guide to Writing - Lesson 2

Day 2,001, 16:14 Published in USA USA by Dogpyle

*please note - the below links do not necessarily reflect my views or opinions in the game. They are well written, coherent articles that have caught my eye or, at the very least, are articles that contain well written information about the goings on in eRepublik.*

A gaffe is a gaffe, and this made me laugh.

Great journalism from Stewy

Is he coming into his own?
Yes. Yes, he is.

I do love me some Derphoof.

Link of the week:

New Journalist of the week
I've been extremely busy and haven't noticed any new stand out journalists. If you have, please post a link in the comments so I can give them credit. Thank You.

A Guide to Writing - Lesson 2
If you missed it A Guide to Writing - Lesson 1

So here you are, on your way to becoming an award winning journalist, ready to take eRepublik by storm. All you need now is a little tenacity, the ability to bullshi, and the knowledge to code/ format. While I can't help you with the first two, I can help you with the third. Let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?

Let's say for the sake of argument, you have written the greatest article in the history of Erep. But it's missing something, isn't it? It just doesn't pop off the screen. It needs something to draw the readers in so that they know that you are in fact, today's Mark Twain. What's a writer to do?

*Please note- there is a space after the first bracket (this guy: [ ), you will need to remove that space.

Bold = [ b]Your text here[/b]

Italics = [ i]Your text here[/i]

Underlined =[ /u] [ u]Your text here

Strikethrough = [ s]Your text here[/s]

- - - - - 5 Dashes, without the spaces, inserts a line break

You can even do two or three (or more) in a row

Pretty easy, huh? The cool thing, is that you can combine them. Like this:

Bold and Italic text = [ b][ i]Your text here[/b][/i]

Let's try another:

Bold, Italic and Underlined text = [ i][ b][ u]Your text here[/i][/b][/u]

So easy, an Ajay can do it.

"But what about pictures Dogpyle? That's gotta be pretty tough, huh?"
Oh, contraire mon frére. It's a piece of cake:

How'd I do that? Like this:

[ img] http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/5605/havingmycakecopy.jpg[/img]

Just make sure that your link ends in .jpg or .gif (for, you know, gif's). Another thing to consider, is to get yourself a free Imageshack or Photobucket account (I prefer Imageshack myself). Upload all of your photos to that account so that they don't disappear from your articles, or turn into beastiality pics.

"How about links? Those must be pretty easy."

Oh, yeah. About that. This can get a little tricky:


Just copy and paste it in there.

Putting links in text can get a little trickier, but it's still doable. Let's use the above link.

Foamy Rules

Looks like this: [ url=http://www.illwillpress.com/]Foamy Rules[/url]

Squirrelly Wrath FTW.

One more thing to note- eRep removed the ability to change font size awhile ago, but you can cheat the system.

You can use sub or superscript to make smaller text

Like this: [ sub]Your text here[/sub] or: [ sup]Your text here[/sup]

If you'd like to use them as intended, it works like this; superscript raises text, subscript lowers it. How about some examples?

This is Superscript = This is [ sup]Super[/sup]script

This is Subscript = This is [ sub]Sub[/sub]script
That's it and that's all. If I missed something (which I'm sure I did) please let me know in the comments. Next time we'll get into the meat and potatoes and talk about... Content. Until then-

Peace, Love, and Happiness. Dogpyle out.