A Guide: Bazookas and the Toolbox

Day 1,390, 09:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

You might have noticed when checking your storage that there is a section titled "Collections". One is for a bazooka and the other is for a toolbox. Each of these serves a different purpose and I'll explain each one below. First, you have to understand that completing a collection isn't something that happens instantly. You could wait minutes, days or even weeks to get that final collection item to complete a bazooka or a toolbox but when you do, it's worth the wait.


The bazooka is a special weapon that instantly kills an enemy in battle. This weapon lasts for three hits. To earn this item, you'll need to collect five different items that are occassionally dropped when you defeat an enemy. These items are:
  1. Barrel
  2. Scope
  3. M6A3 Rocket
  4. Trigger Kit
  5. Stock

Once you have collected each of these items, you'll need to go into storage and then assemble the weapon. You'll lose one of each of the items in order to assemble them. If you've collected more than one barrel or scope, you'll only lose one. Once you've done that, head into battle and your bazooka will be equipped and you can lay waste to your enemies with 5,000 influence per hit!

Let’s take a look at this graph:

Bazooka parts are not equally distributed, rare pieces are the Scope and M6A3 Rocket, while the other three parts are more common. A poll showed that on average a player collects 8 stocks, 8 barrels, 3 scopes, 3 M6A3 rockets, and 7 trigger kits in 5 days.
Note: Percentage on the graph shows what the most common parts are- relative to the other parts, not your chances of getting a part each time you fight which is not yet known well enough to put here.

The Bazooka is a great edition for newer players, as it levels the playing field compared to more experienced eWorlders. Where older players normally have a higher rank and more strength, this allows them to do more influence in a battle, which is crucial in winning. Newer players, by design, do less influence here- but a bazooka does the same amount of influence per hit whoever uses it, and so newer players can hit much harder.

Even better than this is the fact that you can save your bazookas up- by not assembling them once you have all the parts and waiting until you have many of each, then unleashing them all at once, you can make a serious impact on the battlefield and perhaps even challenge for a Battle Hero medal. Try to save these up, in addition to any energy bars you can collect, these combined can be a powerful tool.


The toolbox is a new addition to the collections page that doubles the collected amount of raw materials. If you normally collect 100 food raw materials, when you use the toolbox, you'll collect 200 food raw materials. Like the bazooka, it only lasts for five collections. To earn this item, you'll need to collect five different items that are occassionaly dropped when collecting raw materials. These items are:
  1. Hammer
  2. Pliers
  3. Saw
  4. Shovel
  5. Tape Measure

Once you've collected each of the items, go into your storage and assemble the toolbox. You'll lose each item like you did with the bazooka. Once you've done that, the toolbox will automatically be used when you next start collecting raw materials.

Let’s take a look at this graph:

Every time you work as a manager (WaM) there is an approximate 5% chance you will collect a piece of the full toolbox, meaning you can expect a new part on every fourth time you work as a manager. Based on a poll, the parts are mostly equally distributed, however shovels are found more frequently than pliers, which are the rarest piece.
Note: Percentage on the graph shows what are your chances of getting a particular part each time you WaM, with the possibility of not collecting any part left off the graph but at about 75%.

As you can see these additions to the game have their advantages- use them wisely!

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Talon Karrde