A great C.G. story and also a great cause!

Day 576, 13:34 Published in USA USA by Chris Willson

I came upon the idea to do this because of this article by Polan😛

Poland Article.

They're asking for 1000 subscribers so that they could get 5 gold and put it towards buying a Q5 hospital in their country and I want to do that except for a Q5 hospital here in the great eUSA! But why should you trust me? First off I've got 10 gold and I'm going to donate 5 gold that I just got from a Super Soldier medal to this program: AHF Foundation

And with the 5 gold I get from the Media Mogul medal I'll donate that gold to that program also. Please, for the eUSA SUBSCRIBE!! If you need more proof that I'll donate the money then here's a story about my time in Turkey.. What a fun time it was..

It was the last minutes of the C.G. battle. It was looking like we were going to lose. I even posted in The Airborne's forum that it looked impossible to win. With it being my first time in a huge battle I underestimated the power of the eUSA and her allies..

It started to turn around from the wall being up around 117k to 20k within only a couple of minutes. Our allies had come to the rescue. I got excited and decided to take it upon myself to do something. I had already fought 7 times (was supposed to fight only 6 times but accidentally hit it an extra time) and was down to 77 wellness. I had 5 of my own gold and very little time to do anything...

Quickly I contacted my friend Ligtreb, Congressman of Vermont, and asked him to get as many high quality weapons as possible. I gave him 1 gold which was all I had left after buying two wellness packs. He said he only had Q1 weapons but he'd be willing to buy 5 high quality weapons for me. I thought about other options, then it came to me...

I looked to see who was online in my friend list who wasn't already fighting in the battle. And there was Augustis.. I contacted him and asked him if he could help out because every little bit counts. He said he had just got done voting in eCroatia, trying to prevent the PTO, and that he'd be happy to help out. I sent him a moving ticket and he moved right away. I had found a use for Ligtreb's other Q1 weapons...

Augustis took the charge dealing out damage of about 30 everytime he attacked. After he attacked 5 times he healed and attacked 5 more times with Q1 weapons given by Ligtreb. I took up after him dealing out damage of around 180 everytime with 3 Q5s and 140 everytime with 1 Q4 and 1 Q3. You can see both of us in the C.G. Battle video! 🙂

The battle went into overtime and now it was the struggle to get into the negatives. After a couple minutes it said this great statement:"Central Greece is being overrun by enemy forces; occupation is imminent" The battle for Central Greece was finally won..

I would like to thank Ligtreb and Augustis for being able to help out in a moment's notice. They both could've been away from eRepublik and then I wouldn't have this great story to tell; a story about citizen's commitment to the eUSA. I would also like to thank my CO in the Airborne who reimbursed me for the gold that I used.

Only having 2 Q5 hospitals is putting most of our population in only 2 areas! It also undermines our strength by not allowing some citizens to heal 50 wellness points. We need to raise this money! I ENCOURAGE OTHER PEOPLE TO USE THIS STRATEGY IF YOU HAVE A NEWSPAPER!