A Golden Opportunity and The Great Debate

Day 870, 15:00 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Good Evening,

Every since I have entered Congress, I have argued import taxes. Many dismiss my viewpoints out of hand, others are uncertain, alot of Congress simply seems to have no opinion at all, many simply stating "economics aren't my thing" I have argued for 3 months now about them in Congress, I still feel it is the right course of action and and here is why.

First of all, I am a manufacturing company owner. I have witnessed first hand company after company dry up and go under. This is a problem for America. Many of my opponents on this issue believe this to be a good thing, since we do in fact have an extreme amount of companies in America. I disagree. I feel the ability for these companies to turn profit is beneficial to the financial well being of our Country.

Many proponents of the low import tax structure point to the fact that cheap goods are essential for America's ability to do damage in battle, and they are right. (although this mostly applies to the weapons, iron, and gifts industries)

My counter argument to that is this. WE have a huge amount of American ran companies, more than enough domestic competition to ensure prices will remain at acceptable levels. The problem is, the majority of American companies are barely able to turn a profit in our market. Why? Well, our markets are flooded with the overstock of foreign companies. In many cases, these foreign corporations are able to produce goods cheaper than the US, due to their country's wage levels and often lower currency value. They produce goods cheaper, and sell them here cheaper, undercutting American GM's and creating an environment that is difficult at best to turn a profit in.

As a result of demand drops and oversupply(worsened by foreign presence in the market), our wages plummeted. A few weeks ago however, the admin introduced a new hospital rule. The new rule changed hospital usage, only allowing a citizen to be able to recover the wellness lost in that particular day's battle. No longer can someone fight once and heal to 100 wellness. Resulting from this, our markets have recovered a bit and wages have returned to decent levels. Citizens must actually buy products to maintain their wellness now, namely food, gifts and housing. Our market is in recovery.

Then a new twist was added. The ERX Stock exchange. The first fully functional, easy to use international stock market. A truly amazing introduction the the game we play.

The introduction of the ERX changes things, drastically. Several American corporations have been able to upgrade by taking their companies public, as opposed to going into debt by taking out a loan. The ability to take your company public is a golden opportunity for American businessmen. We need to encourage it, and not continue to allow foreign corporations to become stronger by raping our markets.

We have done the extremely low import tax thing for almost 6 months, yet WE NEVER have the lowest prices internationally. It simply doesn't work the way some seem to think it does. All it serves to do is provide a nearly tax free dumping ground for foreign overstock. It takes wealth out of our hands and places it foreign corporations. They grow, American companies die off. WE ARE THE ONLY LARGE COUNTRY IN THE eWORLD who allows our markets to be flooded, yet we never have the lowest prices.

We do have more than enough domestic companies, but that is a moot point. In a protected market, it becomes survival of the fittest, and the competition between American GM's is more than enough to drive prices down. The good businessmen will stay afloat, upgrade, provide good paying jobs in America and keep money in America.

My opponents on this issue point out that the problem is not only too many American companies, its is also a lack of labor force.

Which raises another point. Wages have finally recovered, the admin fix worked. So we should see higher skill workers coming to the US. I know of a few that have returned. I'm sure more have and more will in the near future. Some people follow the money.

Also, if companies are actually able to profit, they will be able to give raises and keep peeps interested. 😉

So, the problem of not enough workers is a fixable one. It's fixed by allowing American comps to become profitable and drawing workers from abroad. The prospect of adding to our population total is yet another reason to do this. If we set up a system that draws workers to the US, its a two fold benefit. Our population increases, our production increases, setting up a market driven by domestic competition, not relying on imports. It keeps money in America, it makes our citizens wealthier, IT will benefit us as a nation.

If we can grow our companies, upgrade them and build capital, we will be better positioned for the V2 transfer. The ERX provides the means to do this and protecting our markets will allow our companies to flourish and upgrade, which will drive down prices for higher quality goods over time. Taking your company public is a viable option for those who want to upgrade their companies.

The key is time. At first it is true we would see a rise in prices in some sectors of our economy. I have been told that thinking long term is a stupid idea, considering the arrival of eRepublik V2 will bring some significant changes in the economy. I believe its is great idea, I mean what exactly is "long term" in eRepublik? A lot can and does change on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis. Encouraging the growth of our American corporations will leave us better suited for the V2 transition.

As Senator from Illinois and a budget and finance committee member, I will be bring my argument for import raise before your Congress once again. I will face entrenched opposition, but I feel this is a battle we can win.

With the introduction of the ERX, the new hospital rule and a recovering economy, we have a GOLDEN OPPORTUNIY. American GM's can go public, build capital and upgrade. WE have a decision to make here, it will affect the economic success of our country.

Lets get this done. Let's stop sending money OUT of our economy!

Notable links,
The ERX Stock Exchange I highly encourage GM's to take their companies public, grow them, upgrade and make America's economy stronger.

Top 10 Countries by population
US Tax levels
Poland's taxes
Serbia's taxes
Brazil's taxes
Spain's taxes
Russia's taxes
Hungary's taxes
Indonesia's taxes
Romania's taxes
Croatia's taxes.

Notice how out of the top 10 counties 8 of 10 have high import taxes?

Thank you for your time, sorry if it's a bit long XD
Joe Dasmoe, Senator of Illinois.

*I will release a detailed proposal to the Congress and the American people soon, stay tuned!