A Glimpse Into The CPF Lounge. Part 16

Day 1,000, 11:37 Published in Canada Canada by Devilcarrier

Devilcarrier is enjoying a cup of coffee in the CPF forums "drop in and have a pint" lounge this morning while he reads an article in the newspaper. The buzz of conversation in the room seems to have a note of agitation in it. The reason is that Jbdivinus has conjured enough votes to win the presidency of the DAL party.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Devilcarrier is able to pick up Addy Lawrence's voice in the crowd. "I know what they're feeling. I've gone through it myself."

"As have we all," thinks Devilcarrier, remembering the election in which 'The Magician' had overturned the expectations of the CPF party and had won the presidency handily. What would have happened then if a rogue administrator had not broken from the pack and delivered the ability to all and sundry to ban multiple people, including the new CPF leader? Maybe," he thinks, "the events of the next month will show us what would have occurred."

Lise Stubbings sits gracefully next to Devilcarrier and sips her own coffee. "I'm pretty confused," she says. "I don't know if it was a good thing that we put the rebels down in Vestiandet or not."

"We got mixed messages about what to do there alright," Devilcarrier replies. "I was just combing Acacia's latest article for a hint of his reaction. He only mentions the results of the DAL election though."

"Well, the Russians are attacking now, so I guess it's clear what we'll have to do there again," the determined woman says.

"First Trondelad and the East Midlands though, I guess," says Devilcarrier wearily.

Into the lounge sweeps the caped magician. Jbdivinus announces free drinks for everyone.