A General Review about on Upcoming Wars on ePhilippines (Vol1,Issue1)

Day 971, 08:08 Published in Philippines Philippines by Erion Clow Reed
."A new war is about to begin... You can STOP it or START it."; An Advertisement on the eRepublik Rising.

As of Now. ePhilippines was preparing for upcoming wars happening in the V2 of eRepublik. Many of eFilipinos out there (Newbies and Veterans alike).were accustomed to the older version of fighting a war. but now,in the V2, The Fighting system in eRepublik has been somewhat altered,Players who were accustomed to the old system may need to adjust to the new features*.

*Note. The Following Information was supplied be V2 eErepublik Wiki. And of course, the gameplay might change without prior notice.

If someone who played Advanced Wars on Nintendo DS games. you might be able to familiarized with the concept of the Battlefield.Each map has 400 tiles (20*20 tiles) where battle is fought, no matter how big or small the actual region of a specific country is, because a map reflects only a limited area around the capital city of the region.

Battlefield - attackers start from the left, defenders from the right.

How Battles Work?

The battle is turn based. The attacking and defending sides in a battle take turn in moving and
fighting against each other. If it is your country's or ally's turn you can move around the map and pick enemies on adjacent hex fields. When the turn countdown has come to an end, the PvP fights will take place and you will see their results. Then the next turn starts. Now it is the turn of your enemies. This means you cannot move or actively attack. But you can prepare for possible attacks of your enemies by increasing your health or by equipping with a defensive Booster.

Great strategies and tactical warfare emerge on a map that features different terrain types like plains, hills, forests, rivers, lakes, bridges, mountains, and cities, because some terrains are only accessible for certain unit types (For example: Only air units can cross tiles with water).

Here were some Defensive Advantages for Units
Terrain Defense bonuses (decreases enemy's chance to hit you):

* Infantry in Forests
* Tanks on Plains
* Anti-Air Artillery in Cities (Artillery were now Called Anti-Air)
* Helicopters on Hills

How to Secure/Conquer the region?

To win a battle either the Attackers or Defenders have to control 75% of all tiles including the region's capital city after the first 24 hours.

If no side is able to meet both victory conditions the battle will continue in sudden death mode until one side meets both victory conditions. However, when the battle has lasted for 72 hours, the battle will end as draw.

How to Join in the Battle?

You can deploy to battle by navigating to the battlefield page. Then, if your country is part of that battle and it's your turn, you can deploy to that region by pressing Join battle button. After join battle button is pressed, you must choose a weapon and a tile you want to deploy in.

Note: If the battle is a resistance war, you must choose a side you want to fight for.
Even if there is no active battle, you can deploy to battlefield and wait for battle to start.
Please Bear in Mind that you need 40+ wellness to join in the battle.

Choose a target

* Move to the tile next to your enemy
* Press attack button and choose the tile where enemy is located
* Choose your opponent from the list of 5
* Choose a booster
* Press "Set attack" button

After the turn countdown reaches zero, you will the result of the fight.

In the Next issue. I will Post about General Tactics (Unofficial) For Riflemen Classes/Arsenal.
