A Friendly Conversation with Max McFarland 2

Day 845, 00:25 Published in USA USA by Emerick

I just had this conversation with Max McFarland 2, and I thought that it was nice and productive, so I thought that I should publish it. Enjoy

Max McFarland 2: Are you actually starting a new party if you lose?
Emerick: idk what I'll do
Emerick: Maybe try again next month
Emerick: I don't want to start from a butt party
Emerick: Because screw that
Max McFarland 2: You could start from nothing and win.
Max McFarland 2: Easily.
Max McFarland 2: While you were gone, trends showed that any joke party hits number 7 in two days.
Max McFarland 2: If you are serious, you could beat UIP easy.
Max McFarland 2: Then push for number five.
Max McFarland 2: Then run candidates.
Max McFarland 2: Easy.
Emerick: Yeah, but the #1 party being our Authoritarian party?
Emerick: That's powerful
Max McFarland 2: Sigh. The number one party is always crap. :/
Max McFarland 2: Why tie yourself to that?
Emerick: Not anymore
Emerick: Let me prove you wrong
Emerick: I've never failed to deliver
Max McFarland 2: Yes, it will be magically different if you have it. 😉 😛
Emerick: Max_McFarland_2, I have SEES
Emerick: These people are amazing
Emerick: I have a coalition of the willing
Max McFarland 2: I know.
Max McFarland 2: I like them
Max McFarland 2: But.
Max McFarland 2: Use the SEES party.
Max McFarland 2: Rise it up.
Max McFarland 2: The current top five parties are social clubs.
Max McFarland 2: No big iddference.
Max McFarland 2: No ideological disputes.
Emerick: Max, you're not even going to do anything with the party
Max McFarland 2: You want to make a top-down authoritatian party? Good.
Emerick: You're just going to play with it
Max McFarland 2: As a party structure, no.
Emerick: As a party
Emerick: And for the nation
Max McFarland 2: The intent was to use it to run the UIP idea as a success.
Max McFarland 2: But, even they have dissent.
Emerick: You're just getting in my way to get in my way
Max McFarland 2: I'm frankly tired and disinterested now.
Max McFarland 2: I like you, that is not my reason. 😛
Max McFarland 2: Yo uwrote the article first, but I was waiting for a chance to do this for months.
Emerick: This is a stupid idea, Max
Emerick: You're throwing away an opportunity
Emerick: For no real reason
Max McFarland 2: Explain?
Emerick: You have this idea that a party cannot exist at #1 without butting all over itself
Max McFarland 2: Explain. The more you guys talk, the more I dislike Ajay and EC. You at least I still like.
Emerick: And so you're going to take the party and butt on it
Max McFarland 2: Go on.
Emerick: That's p much it
Emerick: That's you're whole idea
Max McFarland 2: Explain why using them for the good of the rest is bad.
Emerick: Since it sucks anyways, why even try?
Emerick: At least I'm trying
Emerick: Oh that
Emerick: Yeah
Emerick: I haven't even explained to you how many noobs you'll kill
Max McFarland 2: How so?
Max McFarland 2: The way I see it, I can contact and help them, every one.
Emerick: Step one in a noob's political life: join a party, try to get involved
Emerick: Step two: if party is interesting, stay, if not, leave that game and move on with your life
Emerick: I'll be making a sales pitch, basically
Emerick: When they see that the #1 party is awesome, it'll grab them
Emerick: We need to sell the idea of eRepublik to the noobs
Emerick: We're not really doing that
Emerick: Or anything like it, really
Emerick: Sure, we mentor, and that's great, but there's no hook
Max McFarland 2: Why not simply re-direct them to different parties?
Emerick: Because the apathetic will just say fuck it
Max McFarland 2: In my view, we would have a good handle on all of the active sixth parties, and the top five, and could direct them based on interest.
Max McFarland 2: True.
Emerick: We need to grab the apathetic
Emerick: And shake them like a crying baby
Max McFarland 2: I still do not see how you are going to pull this off. :/
Max McFarland 2: The USWP and AAP both failed.
Max McFarland 2: They tried hard.
Emerick: You're looking at it from the perspective of an insider
Emerick: They didn't try shocking them
Emerick: Or just saying
Max McFarland 2: "Insider"? 😛
Emerick: "Hey, this is a game. Let's have fun"
Max McFarland 2: I moved to the eUSA after you were President. 😛
Emerick: Nobody in this country has tries appealing to anyone's sense of imagination
Max McFarland 2: No, some do.
Max McFarland 2: I try to.
Max McFarland 2: Look at my articles.
Emerick: eRepublik insider
Emerick: ya, you're great
Emerick: Personally
Max McFarland 2: Humor, fiction, populism, etc.
Emerick: Seriously, I came when I read your article
Emerick: The pure sense of righteous destruction
Emerick: Awesome
Emerick: But it doesn't stick out in such a way that new people will see
Emerick: When people come to the game, they don't see the people, they see what we've created
Emerick: And they see the in-game mechanisms
Emerick: *and they
Max McFarland 2: True. It is at heart a mechanist argument, wrapped in populist rhetoric.