A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

Day 823, 00:21 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

It is truly very funny how this game works. I find myself elected Party President and my Chief Secretary resigns. I attempt to remove his mask and he jumps up and down, screams and shouts and posts insulting comments and runs a poll to try and split the party. In the end, he gets his mask back and I end up leaving for the good of the party.

I leave the party and almost immediately I am stripped of all my access. How ironic that the guy who is not part of the party and is PP elsewhere keeps his mask well the guy who essentially had to leave loses his mask right away and is told its just and fair.

Over the last several months I have given every bit of who I am to this party. Along comes JBDivinus who simply can not let go of the fact that he is not a member of the CPF and takes his cause to the extreme...attempting to split the party, and undermine my authority. Lest we forget he voluntarily resigned. Finally, I had enough and made a decision to do what I thought was best for the party....I left. The standoff had to end and the Prince of Chaos could not man up and step down...no...he had to drive a wedge deep into the party until I reached the conclusion that I HAD to act.

After pouring the entirety of myself into this party...giving them all I had, and never, EVER leaving the party to that point, along comes JB who suddenly decides he needs to join CHAOS. Was I mad? Hell yes...I gave everything to the party and asked for NOTHING in return. I gave them a weapons company and asked for nothing in return. JB gives them his services and seeks the party nomination, gets the win and then bails on us. I pull his mask and now I am the bad guy.

Last night I reached my breaking point...and I exploded. I have no regrets...I needed to say what had been bottled up and muzzled for so long. I log onto IRC and I get pulled aside by a person I had unwavering respect for. Who was that you ask? Let me tell you...

Scorpius pulls me aside and asks what happened. Admittedly I am at full boil and I, thinking I could trust him, confide my frustration in him. I had grown to deeply respect Scorpius and had counted on him as a confidant. I complete my conversation with him as he assures me he is my friend and wants to help me. A short time (maybe an hour) later I find my private conversation with him has been sold out to Spencer Magee, and JBDivinus. Spencer then posts it in the forums in the ultimate betrayal of my long and hard service to the party. What I said, I said in the heat of anger and frustration at my circumstances. The person I thought I could trust sold me out...Thank you Scorpius...your friendship was appreciated. You are nothing more than an opportunistic salesman who knifed a good man in the back when he was looking for a friend...well played...I am sure the DAL is VERY proud of you now.

From there, Spencer Magee labels me as mental and the party turns on me fully. Everything I had done to that point is quickly swept away by a run of white hot passionate anger over the manner in which this situation unfolded.

I am fully pushed aside and the CPF turns its back on me like the town pariah. Those I counted as friends quickly knifed me and pulled my access...making snide remarks about me in forum threads they did not think I could see...feeling they were hidden from eyes they continued to drive the knife further.

This my friends is what the CPF has become. So hell bent on gaining power and glory, they will cast aside anyone and anything that stands in their way...they embrace JBDivinus and his CHAOS membership well stripping me of my rights for taking a stand.

I now stand a homeless man...no party to call my own...divorced by the only party I have ever known. I use to gain great pleasure out of being in government and being a part of party politics...now I have been stripped of that pleasure as quickly as I was stripped of my access. I had to go into politics to learn how to lie, cheat, and steal in this game...I had to go into politics in order to be asked to do things I could never do otherwise.

What will I do now? I am not sure...the CPF is the only thing I have ever known but I am not welcome there and they clearly favour the traitor that is JB over the man who stood up to the Prime Minister when he demanded something he was not entitled to. So enamoured with the jewels of power, the CPF would sooner cast me aside and embrace their “CPF PM” then stand on the principles of action. I have no party, I am lost...no other party will ever feel right for me. I am still with the CAF and will likely ask to be returned to the Regs if they will have me back.

For now though...what little pleasure I had drawn from this game...what spirit I had for politics has been stolen by those I thought were my closest friends. I was a kind and honest man in this game...I gave you my spirit and my soul in exchange for your acceptance in your party...tonight, you sold that for a bag of magic beans.

My experience in eRep will never, ever, be the same again.

Yours In National Unity,

Acacia Mason