A Formal Introduction

Day 1,162, 12:55 Published in Singapore Singapore by Louis Humphrey

Well, ladies and gentleman, one has had a pleasant return from hibernation.

^my mum^

As I said in my previous article, I've come back after a very long time, and so much has changed

I remember in the good old days when we had hospitals, and you could only eat once a day

But enough of reminising....reminsing....you know, old farts looking back at the golden age, its time to look onwards and forwards.

Yesterday I was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. As explained to me, my role includes going abroad (yum) and talking to foreign delegates.

Lets hope I don't slip up like David Cameron, and where a poppy badge to China

If any body wants a chat, just pop along and i'll make a brew, if you need anything, pop along and i'll make us a brew, if you want a brew, the go away 😃

Merci Beaucoup Amigos; Humphrey ut permaneo

Louis x x