A fleeting moment of inspiration

Day 2,271, 17:33 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BG


It is not often in the game nowadays that we get to be a part of epic battles, no in name as defined by the admins but in stature due to the actions of the players. It has become ever rarer that the underdog manages to outwit the odds on favourite. More rare yet are those battle where injustice is overcome be it only in a symbolic victory to be savoured for a day.

Yet all this things happened in one day and in one battle and even for a moment we saw a glimpse of what this game used to be, yes used to be because it is not this for a very long time. As in RL an community and society needs a most basic sense of fairness and justice for it to functions. A game and it's community is no different and 6 years later erepublick has only a "visual distortion" of a sense of justice and fairness.

We however do not wish to mare anymore this achievement with the low quality of the administrations management of our "New world", instead we choose to celebrate this fleeting moment of a great battle reminiscent of a time long gone past, for it is so for all involved friend and foe.

So before we express our thank you to all those who made sacrifices fought selflessly and help achieve this victory, I want to say, good game Romania, for this in the end of it all is just a game for us all.

Despite it all, despite the odds and despite the turns and ebbs in this not very good anymore game, one thing remains and unbudging and unyielding constant and it's name is Chile. Wherever we look and we're in need they're there, whenever we go to sleep they watch over us, whenever we need a hand no matter how deep in the mud we may be, they're there to offer it. And today we want to say once again thank you, not because we have to or because we must but because we want to. We want to show you our appreciation and share in this celebration of this achievement.

Thank you Chile, this victory is as much yours as ours!

We want to also thank Macedonia and Russia who never though once in sending everything they got to help us in the seemingly futile battle. The small Indian and Irish armies, who though small in numbers have the spirit of tigers. The Italians who even as they're under occupation for so long, found a way to not only fight but help with CO in the pivotal moment helping us win a clean 15round in the prime time of the opposition. To the French fighters who despite that their road might take them in a different direction stood by us and fought by us this one last time. To the USA and Germany which quietly sent all of it's fighters seemingly in a battle they have no stake in. To the former opponent Spain and Poland who came in the final moments to help us get over the top of the hill and achieve the victory in the end. To all who put COs in the last round, who we could not even keep track of for their vast number and diversity.

To all those other countries and player who remained back in the shadows but threw their wait for us. Without you all we would not only have not won this battle, but it would not have mattered, because in the end, battles don't matter players do and today the players won on for old time sakes.

Cheers to all, from a tired commander, I salute you o7