A Flavoring of Voices!

Day 788, 10:50 Published in Japan Japan by SOS Brigade

Before we begin I want to thank everyone who voted yesterday in the SOS Brigade Party President elections 🙂 I am pleased to be your Party President again and your activity makes me smile! I'm sorry about the quiet turn the party took last month, but real life sadly limited my time online. But don't worry! There will be plenty of things for us to do this month on!

Starting with of course, Congress!

Congress Season is Here!

Congress is a group of players who are active in this game almost to a fault. They monitor everything this country, locally and around the world. The bigger the variety the more ideas congress can experience, and the more diverse our voice can be!

But congress isn't all smiles and silliness! Congress is important activity. Congress represents the many voices in our country and works hard to create and enforce policies that help to maintain and protect our Country's stability and security.

Have What it Takes?

Want a say in the government? Have the drive? Need to be heard?

The SOS Brigade is getting our congress list together and we would love to have anyone who wants to run, to run through our party. We only ask that you are active on the forums where eJapan's congress holds its discussions, and that you talk to Faeyas before you run.

Getting to run is only half the game. Voting is cutthroat in eJapan, with many coalitions protecting and monitoring their members, with a storm of voting that occurs in the final minutes that is planned and calculated to out bid every other group trying to do the same thing.

You need to be active, and you need to be ready to fight and campaign to be in. SOS Brigade will be there to help those who make it close enough in votes at the final hour, but we can't do it all for you. Plus if we were active for you then where would the fun be in that?

If you think you have it talk to Fae.

Congress Desu

In addition to members from the SOS Brigade, and any freelance players that may inquire, the SOS Brigade is teaming up with the Desu Worker's Party this month for congress elections.

The Desu Worker's Party is a new party to eJapan which is trying to work to make eJapan a better country. They are a new party and thus are small in number, so in order to run candidates they need to run through a top five party.

While the SOS Brigade looks foreword to her Japanese sister party rising to the ranks to run their own members, for now their president, Haruhi, and Faeyas have decided to have the DWP members run for congress through the SOS Brigade.

For a list of those running for DWP, please see their newspaper found here .

Brigade Officers

The SOS Brigade itself has grown in size enough to justify the creation and maintenance of officer positions. These positions are ranked just below Brigade Party Presidents/Regional Leaders on the hierarchy, and these members work with their local leadership, assisting them in recruiting, monitoring elections and country events.

Since these positions are new and no one is quite sure how they will function best yet, or what the demand for these ranks will be, all open positions are first come first served until there is a significant demand for the roles.

While each area might expand on these positions, we will be working to ensure the following is held at minimum.

For Areas without a party there will be at least:

Regional Leader (Head Officer)
Recruitment Officer

For Areas with a party there will be at least:

Party President
Event Officer
Elections Officer
Recruitment Officer

If anyone in eJapan is interested in Elections, Recruitment, or Event Officer Positions they are open until further notice. Please apply on our forums found here.

Global SOS and Ranks

The SOS Brigade is growing, and I don't just mean the wondrous fact that we are now rank 4 in eJapan's Political Parties with 55 members. The Global SOS Brigade has a variety of members in various countries around eRepublik.

While this means that occasionally we must lose friends from eJapan so that they can move and assist our members abroad, it speaks volumes of our progress in the world.

We still only hold one Political Party, the one we were founded on in eJapan, but the spread of our numbers is very noteworthy, and we should be acquiring more parties as we progress foreword.

Watch out world, Global SOS Brigade is here!

SOS Brigade Chief