A Final Message from the President of the United States.......

Day 1,142, 14:54 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

Today's Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQn1k9WPeLM


First and foremost, I want to thank each and every eAmerican for giving me the opportunity to serve as your President for three terms. It was a fantastic experience and from the bottom of my heart I am grateful for the opportunity. My only hope is that I made the game as enjoyable for you as you did for me. One thing I have learned is that it is easy to be great when you are able to stand on the shoulders of legends. During the course I have met many extraordinary people. Each one of those people has influenced me or has been a profound help for me during the tenure of my “career” in the game. I want to thank a few here.

Tdwester: Thank you for teaching me all that you knew and for offering me advice whenever I needed it. Whatever success I had is in due to large part to you.

Ananias: Thank you for giving me my start in politics and for having faith in me.

Scrabman: Thank you for my first non-official government job and for allowing me to bounce ideas off of you when I was just a newbie.

Emerick: Thank you for giving me my first government job as Secretary of Defense.

Speedcat McNasty: Thank you for always being there. Whenever I need you, you always managed to pull through and deliver. You were and always will be my right hand.

Rainysunday: Thanks for all of the advice and long talks. You above all other people kept me sane when I had to deal with the unreasonable every day.

St Krems: Thank you for always busting your butt and doing what was required to get the job done. America and myself will always owe you a debt of gratitude.

Inwegen: Thank you for organizing chaos and making everything seem logical. You have essentially been President many times over at this point. You never got the glory, but you definitely have the chops to get the job done.

Some Advice

When President Eisenhower left office in real life, he left the nation with a warning. Now I am going to do the same. Some people will agree with me and others will not….. luckily for you, I don’t really care what anyone thinks.

My first bit of advice to people is simple: Play the game as if it is a game. This game is entertainment of no consequence; remember that. Some of you take all of this far too seriously and it troubles me greatly. I sit and wonder if your lives are so devoid of anything in real life that you actually assume your roles in-game and get self worth from what you accomplish here. There are certain sections of the eUSA population that in my opinion have literally taken this stuff far too seriously. I love you all, but it’s time for somebody to give you are reality check.

To all the politicians out there I have the following message: You aren’t really politicians. Seriously, you probably couldn’t legislate yourselves out of a wet paper bag in real life. Cut the endless debates on crap and empty threats to the military. You are no better than any other player in the game and most the “legislation” you pass could be done in 5 minutes rather than in countless hours of forum debates. You are nerds on a power trip….. Go out get a beer and then go get a girlfriend/boyfriend. If you do these things your perspective might actually improve.

To the military I have the following message: You aren’t real soldiers, or lieutenants, or generals, or any other rank for that matter. Newsflash: Real soldiers have to kill or be killed. They actually make real sacrifices. You, like everyone else are simply a nerd clicking a button; you just do it a little more than everyone else.  Stop whining about being disrespected, because you aren’t. You are elevated above all other citizens and receive far more in terms of budgetary compensation than anyone else. You lead a charmed life and should be grateful. Put on your big boy pants and do your jobs graciously.

My last bit of advice goes out to the short-sighted. You view this game as static and probably are happy that things never change. Set alliances are going to be a thing of the past real quick from the appearances of things. If you do not adapt and you do not make an effort to think outside of the box, you run the risk of putting the eUSA in great peril. Always be willing to pursue diplomacy with even the most unlikely of allies. Be willing to change with the world or be prepared to be steam rolled by it. There are enemies and allies out there alike, who wish to see us destroyed. Do not be fooled by these nations words and past actions into thinking that the status quo will be maintained. A storm is coming…. and I fear it might be coming America’s way.

The Big Secret

I have been around for a long time now. I have been playing this game for as long as I can remember. I can remember when I was just a newbie. Now it seems like I am so darn old now. Ever since I became “high profile” and then later President, I have faced the same question over and over: “Did you play in Beta and who were you?” After hearing this question it for a million times I have finally gotten sick of it. You have finally broken me down. For the first time I will reveal my true identity. I am none other than.....