A Few Words, The New Revolution

Day 1,690, 13:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace
Personally, I believe Comrade Winston Hope Smith did a good job at Country President as someone with no experience and a party with relatively little experience as well. What a stunning victory for the Independent Labour Party, though the presidency had shaky moments and failed to excite the general population. The government was efficient, but didn't deliver the liveliness the eIrish community demands. Hold your head up high, Comrade, you served eIreland well. o7

The defeat of the Old Regime brought in a new one, more-or-less effective, though definitely lacked in experience. Hopefully the ILP will learn from this and be able to pull-off another CP election victory in the future. The problem is the lack of leadership in the Party, one person with strong visionary gaze and the eccentric personality that leaders typically possess. A frontrunner, a spokesman, a 'head' is required for a political party to be successful.

The New Revolution will be the revival of our collective eIrish culture. The heated wills competing in political combat, the re-emergence of a political arena. Out of nothing we will create something, for we can only create the future we desire.

I announce my intention to run for Party President of the Independent Labour Party. I cannot promise the end of the boredom plague, but I can certainly promise that I will do my best to make this game fun again. What is the worst that could happen? Another dull month? Lose a few members? Really, there is hardly any risk voting for me.

And to mention, the search for this new Leader will be on my priority list. One to run for Country President, who displays the Will and passion and creativity to lead us next month.

Sincerely Eire's,
Comrade Bane