A Few Words [Iran - Turkish War]

Day 2,196, 05:31 Published in Turkey Philippines by harbi vatandas

Since old allies Turkey and Iran are battling against each other for a couple of weeks, there is much going on on both sides. People keep insulting each other on articles, comments, shouts... in almost every possible platform. Even creating fake accounts is a part of putting the other side on shame.

It is true that we are not friends anymore, but between these two nations there is much more to meet the eye than just one stupid war. We are neither fighting nor enemies in RL. So, why bring this war in a leverage with hatred, disrespect, racism and insult? If we fight why dont we do it with respect?

I'm frequently witnessing those act of hatred and insults from articles, shouts and comments. It is really unpleasant that this kind of stuff goes around in both countries, Iran and Turkey.

In my humble opinion, i think, there is still hope for ending this stupid war without costing more to both countries. And if it doesn't end (and im not saying it has to) we should conserve our mutual respect for each other. Even if this war continues for a while there will be times in the future that we will need each other or, at worst case we will need to ceasefire.

There is another point that really need attention particularly from my Turkish friends. It is not a secret that we have really strong enemies around that would wipe us or fight against us in every possible opportunity. To name them, i would list Serbia, Poland and Bulgaria(as they are now free, and a direct threat to us) and maybe FYROM in the future. I don't really understand this need for creating new enemies, when we have so many of them. True, none are attacking us for the time being. But believe me, when one does, the rest will happily join them like they did a few months ago, stealing our gold mine.[Poland & Serbia]

I would like to make the following points clear, especially to my Turkish friends. Yes, I fought in many of the wars between Turkey and Iran. But i didn't take it for that serious that would make me feel hatred against them. And, besides, I have never betrayed to my country and fought against Turkey just because i dont like this war. It's Turkey's war at the end.

My last words to my Turkish and Iranian friends are, It doesn't matter if we are fighting or beind friends in this game, but I think such behaviors that goes beyond of limits of mutual respect should be mutually condemned on both sides.