A few questions for RGR

Day 1,833, 08:49 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

RGR, you've said it time and time again that "The Elitists" are conspiring against you, and that the players in this country aren't being fair to you politically. Yet no matter how many times this happens, no matter how many times you blast each other in article comments, they keep saying that you're a PTO and you keep saying that they're Elitists.

In short, you claim that they don't give you a chance, so I thought that I would give you a chance to prove that you're better for this country than they are.


That is an article from Dr Luis Sentieiro where he interviews Inwegen, John Jay, and John Killah, the 3 POTUS candidates whom I assume you would mark as "Elitist." I'll make a deal with you here RGR, amswer the same questions they answered in a way that impresses me more than all 3 of the other candidates, and I will willingly vote for you to be elected POTUS.

Fair enough? Just leave your answers in the comments of this article so people can see them.

Question 1: (individualized question for each candidate) You've been accused of many things, including PTOing, Multiing, stalking Bia Pandora, giving US citizenship to known enemies of the USA, and having the majority of your political support coming from enemies of the USA. If any of these are true, tell us how you've gotten past the issue/bettered yourself as an eRep player enough that we can trust you as POTUS. If any of them are false, tell us why they are false in a way that can be proven.

Question 2: Let’s assume you’d win the election for a moment, who would you serve as President? Yourself, The Government or The eAmerican People? Whoever you’d serve, what would be your motivations for it?

Question 3: Let’s imagine for some reason you and someone from the population or even a cabinet member would have some personal issue. How would you deal with it?

Question 4: What do you think of the current state of the Intelligence Agencies? Do you intend to continue the current Department of Homeland Security Project?

Question 5: I heard the American Soldiers are restless for a war. Have you considered your goals military wise?

Question 6: What will be your steps in diplomacy? Will we use some continuity or do you intend to do something different?

Question 7: Malt, scotch or bourbon? Maybe cider? Wine?

Question 8: Do you have any ideas for the Domestic Departments like Interior and Education? If so, can you present us what will be your goals?

Question 9: In your opinion, was Pfeiffer the best President? Explain your opinion.

Question 10: What is your stance towards the 6th parties? Do you think they have an important role in the elections?

Question 11: Considering the candidates running against you, which party (ies) do you think will likely be decisive in this race?

Question 12: What are your thoughts for media this month? Do you think the government should be more open and transparent about certain things or are we okay on that matter?

Some people respond with emotions, I respond with facts. Give me enough facts to make me trust you Ajay.

Don't forget to shout this article so as many people as possible can see the truth!

Stay sexy guys 😉
