A Day in the Life

Day 698, 12:29 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Getting ready for the upcoming Congressional elections, it is easy to overlook the elections that just passed - the Party Presidents election. In the "Big Five", things were relatively quiet and kinda bland. Each race was won by a majority by the favorite. There was, however, some action in the "Sixth Parties".

There was no dispute who would be taking over the reigns of the Socialist Freedom Party, as CivilAnarchy ran unopposed. The Federalist Party also had their PP election well in hand after running a primary in their forums. Long-time Fed citizenslave faced off against Congressman CrashNBurn for the PP position. Being familiar with both men, I knew that either way, the Federalist Party wins! The game mechanics party - AKA the Democrats - saw powerhouse former ePOTUS Harrison Richardson win its party's top spot.

My absolute favorite PP race was in the small Independent Party of America. There, my political advisor and personal friend, Fivescott, ran unopposed to become the new IPA Party President. I want to publically congratulate Fivescott and wish her and the IPA success. Fivescott has helped me get to where I am today, and I have no doubt that she willl successfully lead the IPA to a new level. Congrats, Five!

The Greens, however, were not as lucky as every other party. This is because of a hostile takeover by Jimmy Loomis, who actually PAID $100 USD per vote to capture the party and its Party President position. After stealing the spot, Loomis has done nothing but threatened the Greens with its annihilation. He has already threatened punishment to all Greens that voice opposition to his tyranny. On a personal note, I was able to con him out of $100, telling him I voted for him (which I did not), and threatening to report him as a scam artist if he didn't pay. Then I spammed the IRC looking for people to vote against him. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. I am sorry, my Green friends, to have failed you. I am making it a personal goal to eradicate this tyrant scum from the Green Party next election.

Here is a list of the Party Presidents. Congrats and best of luck to all of you.

AAP: Mercurius100
USWP: Jasper Ferguson
Lib: DanielCD
CvP: Desertfalcon
UIP: Blake Chrysostom
Fe😛 citizenslave
Dem: Harrison Richardson
SFP: Civil Anarchy

Hey Loomis...

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You!