A Critic on Recent Events, Fascist's and Authoritarian's

Day 269, 06:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by Daxus Darkfire

Ignoring economic and electoral actions for the current time being this article is intended to give an analysis of the event of recent days when the government has stooped to new lows.

Initially we see separatists and dissident Irish Nationalists launching attacks on the motorcade of the President. This act has currently not been claimed by any known paramilitary group and no major clues to the bombs manufacturer have been discovered at the time of writing. Likely motivations and C.B. for the action are rumored to have been anything from the secret abductions of opposition party members to locals outraged at the economic state of things.

In the short time after this we see murder on multiple counts in regards to a bus load of Opposition party members. Here the government party official actively stating that the driver was IR supporter. Jew Jesus and I quote said "I guess he meant IR (Ireland Reborn). The driver took one for the team 😁" Showing the involvement of IR's Secret Service branch in the multiple accounts of murder. Questions remain as to the fate of the original driver but rumors suggest he is now dead. When government officials questioned locals as to the crash one farmer implied he murdered a number of heavily injured opposition members. At this there is no mention of the arrest of the farmer. Giving us evidence of what borders on war crimes, and most certainly can be described as the start of genocide of Irish nationals., but also of the governments blatant disregard for the law.

Our next major even comes outside the Dail. When a peaceful protest was smashed and many hospitalized by the heavy handed SS....Now where have i heard that term before...SS...hmmmm...Perhaps quoting Samyaza "I used my baton on every protester that crossed my away and hospitalized about 10-12 of them. Me and my Irish Intel Service comrades look forward for the next protest so we can trample some more opposition members.", shows the mentality and true colours of this authoritarian, fascist and completely corrupt government.

To our Honorable Neighbors reading this article please excerpt as much diplomatic pressure upon the illegitimate government of Ireland

Whilst some would cry this is merely old news I actually say no, its not. It's merely the start of a list of evidence.

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