A congress Platform for Thedark ace

Day 885, 09:38 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace


This is my congressional manifesto. I’m here to explain to you, why voting me can help our country be more awesome. I want to help us advance in all aspects.

Let’s start on taxes, where congress gets a say. Taxes are fair at the moment, no-one is particularly upset by them, and they earn as much money as we can. We don’t want to tax the people for living. Government companies, effectively, just q1 companies that help get people into various professions. They aren’t a major competitor on the market, so little is needed to change this. Our currency value is fine, the only thing we need is to keep it as it is.

Naturally I want to keep our MPP with Malaysia, and stay in the war games. I fully support deployments into other countries, helping and aiding our allies in various wars and battles around the world. I have military experience in HG, where I’m currently CO of Aerospace. This reminds me, join homeguard.

I’m always active on the irc, I am the most active person on the forums, I’m highly involved and partial and fair in every “drama” and debate we have. I support the advancement of eSingapore in every aspect; I want us to advance to a brighter country. I like the way things in Singapore are run, if I could, I almost wouldn’t change it at all.

If you wish to know anymore about my congressional candidate run, please PM me.

Please vote for me!
Thedark ace

P.S In the case of a PTO emergency I am a ATO candidate, so vote for me at all times. We have a threat to our security in this congressional election. Please vote for me, should we find ourselves with PTOers amongst us.