A Chat with his Majesty the one and only Woldy

Day 1,503, 13:23 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Sir Ravi


SirRavi Hello Readers today we are here with his Majesty the one and only King Woldy.

SirRavi First of all thanks for coming.
SirRavi How is it for you living away from Buckingham Palace in Wales?
Woldy No problem. And it's awful! It's really cold and wet... and the locals aren't the friendliest bunch.
SirRavi Yes i heard they have some interesting sexual orientations...with sheep? Have you participated in any of these pleasures?

Woldy Well you know what they say
Woldy when in Rome...
Woldy shag a sheep
Woldy or at least, that's what the locals say~
SirRavi Now the Welsh are just the smallest of your problem what about does Canadians?
Woldy These Canadians have obviously forgotten who their King is, so I really need to be having words with the head-moose about how they should behave in the future. Never the less going by their 'tactical prowess' I doubt they'll be around for too long.
SirRavi For me the biggest problem is the Food l all this Red Meat and Pancakes with Maple Syrup. Do you feel the same Way?
Woldy Oh absolutely. I wouldn't mind but the price of toothpaste is through the roof nowadays, eating all this sugary syrup plays hell with my gnashers.

SirRavi Its sad to see the King in such a desperate State please Readers donate some Money to the poor Man.
Woldy and yes, give me all your money

SirRavi Also you are used to being transported in Bentleys and private Planes.How is it now in Dogsleds since Canadians are to eco-friendly for cars(not for Bazokass do)
Woldy I find that the huskies make for good intellectual conversation compared to the rest of the eCanadians, but it is very bumpy, and there are no heaters or cooled champagne so all in all it is pretty naff.

SirRavi So tell me were you in the Palace when the Canadians took over how did they manage to kill the Buckingham Palace guards don't there hats make them invincible.

Woldy Well, as it is the festive period I feel it only right to hold large parties for the palace staff, and the Canadians swam down the Thames just as we were reaching the conclusion of one of my Royal piss-ups. Needless to say, we were all too inebriated to put up a good fight and were caught with out trousers down. Which isn't just a figure of speech in
Woldy Karacticus' case, as he was busy taking a leak in the Royal rose garden.

Damm he has skills.
SirRavi Im sure the Roses will grow beautifully this Year...
SirRavi What is your plan to regain the uk?
Woldy Well to fight them on the beaches, once more unto the beach dear friends, and to show them that life is a beach. In other words, to RW the crap out of everything until all the foreigners are gone. Seems to be the easiest way to go about taking our land back. 🙂

Beautifull Aa i mean message
SirRavi On that beautiful note i will end the interview.Thank you so much for coming it was an honor chatting
Woldy Anytime