A Chance to Join Greatness [SEES]

Day 928, 17:24 Published in USA Pakistan by Matthew Smith The awesomeness

A Chance to Join Greatness

We all Know the story of Emerick and how great he is, and if you don’t you need to stop being a fgt. We also all know that Krems and JP recreated S.E.E.S as followers of Emerick and worshipers of Dio but what you may not know is that, along with keeping the party alive, we also get shit done.

One of those APF level 7 babies sitting at the bottom of the party.

Yes we have inner workings that most normal citizens don’t know much about. We recruit every new citizen every day not just to join the party but to stay in the eUSA and to be an active citizen. (and this guy thinks we’re anti-recruting) We also have a military style echo system that ensures all our members are informed, and that they know what is going on in the party. We also have a p cool militia and our non-gay artist, wallingbottom, makes us cool avatars

How hot is that

For newer players we have a mentor program and an apprentice program run by Chisholm. Feel free to join us on #sees on rizon any time, but stay away from GF, cause he’s a meanie.

I think all British people are meanies

You may be wondering, well this is all great but I just want to have fun. 😁 Well you’ve come to the right place, 11 out of 10 people say our party is the most fun and the facts don’t lie. We don't just dick around and call someone a fag, we do many interesting and fun things. While all the other parties have their srsface.jpg faces on, we are busy looking for new ways to make this game fun. This weekend is “Barker Rage Week” so get out there and ABUSE THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON.

amirite? y/y

Whether you hate us or love us, you need us. We fit together in perfect harmony. So if you are getting bored with this game or if you are having a great time but know it could be better, join SEES and learn to have fun.
Hidden Message is Hidden

We're still alive. whether you like it or not.

Thanks Wallingbottom