A Challenge To The eUSA

Day 1,434, 17:18 Published in USA Egypt by ReconWarHawk

Hello to my international subscribers! You may have noticed a bit of change to my Newspaper, the Southern boy has finally decided to join his bretheren in eUSA instead of in that eternal hell we love to call the Middle East. No changes in my perspective with my new eHome, I still struggle with my love for both INCI and Macedonians and still can't believe I lost the CP election four times in Egypt. But enough of my vague background information, I have a challenge for the eUSA!

Music For the OccasionWarning Contains High Levels of Awesomeness

Everytime I've traveled to a new eCountry, a grand total of twice, I've attempted to create my own party or reform an existing small one. While that served me good and well for small countries the idea of doing that a third time, and in country multiple times larger than my previous experience, doesn't really appeal to me. So I issue unto you, the everyday American, a challenege!

Help me pick my party! That's right a golden recruitment opportunity, if anyone cares, for one more member to your party! Not so fast though, there are a few rules!

Rule #1 This is open to party members, however it is not open to PARTY PRESIDENTS. Why you ask? Simple these people are professionals at selling their parties and if I left it up to them I'd be stuck at trying to pick from any of the current parties due to their excellent salesmanship (except for Pizza's party, he annoys me lol).

Rule #2 No BS. Don't give me some shit about how "its a great community" all of eRep is a great community (when the translator works). Give me the shit that makes the party you love better than all the others. Maybe it's simply because somebody's funny as shit, thats cool to I just don't want the normal BS I tend to hear.

Rule #3 Every party is allowed to participate. Yes EVERY. Even the New Conservative Party, despite my prior joke, if yall can convince me over the conflicts I have with Pizza (which are admitadly more personal than political) then more power to yah.

Rule #4 Don't bash the other parties. It's perfectly fine to highlight some differences but be respectful. If I wanted to see a flame war I'd just title the article "Pizza The Hut Sucks Gnrilrap's Dick in exchange for admitance into Club Penguin" or some shit like that.

Rule #5 Don't be a bitch and report this article. Sure I use some strong language, clearly for humor purposes more than anything, and I've set some fine rules.

Rule # 6 First person to find a challenge accepted asci and post it gets... something. I just realized im broke, but I really wanna see one lol. Ill figure somethin out later and post it in the comments.