A Call to the PEP

Day 585, 11:43 Published in Peru Peru by Hazelrah

Debemos felicitar al FDP por su mayoría en el Congreso. También que tienen los mismos intereses que nosotros – ayudar a ePerú – y que no son un grupo de eCiudadanos que quieren robar el tesoro nacional e irse del país.

Perú ha sido salvado de un TO y debemos reconocer que fue, en parte, porque el FDP tuvo cuidado en pedir ayuda a paises vecinos. Tengo la esperanza que en el Congreso se den cuenta que tenemos el mismo objetivo y no queremos hacer un TO.


- No estamos de acuerdo con el método por el cual el FDP se hizo con el control del Congreso.
- No entendemos cómo se pueden llamara a si mismos “ePeruanos” cuando la mayoría provienen de eArgentina, eBrazil y España.
- No confiamos en ellos para el manejo del tesoro nacional aún (esto cambiará si el dinero donado a la org Banco Central de Perú no desaparece).
- No nos gustan los comentarios que algunos miembros han hecho sobre nosotros.

Sin embargo… es tiempo de olvidarnos de todo eso y mirar qué podemos hacer juntos.
Esas cosas ya pasaron y están fuera de nuestro control.
Pido perdón al FDP por sugerir un TO político. Nosotros somos todos inmigrantes y extraños acá, pero estamos unidos en nuestro deseo de ver un ePerú fuerte e independiente. Es tiempo de confiar uno al otro y para las acusaciones de TO.

ePerú Unido!
ePerú Independiente!
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It is time for the congress of Peru to unite and begin working together to do what's best for the nation and do what we promised to do!

We may not agree with the methods in which the FDP gained control of congress.
We may not understand how they can call themselves "true peruvians" when most hail from Argentina, Brazil, and Spain.
We may not trust them with the national treasury yet (this will change if the money donated to the Banco Central de Peru doesn't disappear).
We may not appreciate the comments members have made to us.

HOWEVER... It is time to forget about all this and look to what we can do now.
Those things have passed and are out of our control.

We should congratulate the FDP for their achievement of a majority of congress. We should be thankful that this a majority with the same interests that we have - helping the nation of Peru - and not a group of citizens looking to steal the treasury and give the land away.

To the FDP, I apologize for our suggestions of a political TO. We are all immigrants and strangers here, but we are united in our desire to see a strong and independent Peru. It is time we begin to trust each other and stop making accusations of TO.

Peru has been saved and we must recognize that it was done, in part, because the FDP cared enough to enlist the help of foreign nations. Hopefully throughout this term in congress the FDP will also realize that the PEP has the same goal and is not a TO either.

Peru is a lucky nation to have received two parties so intent on saving it from TO that they began a war against each other to protect it. Fortunately, it appears neither party was ever a threat for a TO.

Peru Unido!
Peru Independiente!