A Call for Unity

Day 811, 12:40 Published in Switzerland USA by EpoRadio

Comrades, I'm a little dissapointed in the people of Switzerland at the moment. Let's face it, the Shaolins have become part of Swiss society, there's no stopping them from becoming part of it and we're all just going to have to live with them. Natrually, being the odd person I am, I would think that we would want to do it in harmony. Such that Shaolins and Liberals could live together and share this country without competition. I would hope that in unity we could create a united Switzerland. Let's face it, if we ever want to get Graubunden back or reconquer Western Switzerland, we're going to have to. We all need to work together for a strong and a united Switzerland.


Congrats, you won. Switzerland is yours and I'm happy I haven't seen any large gold donations to the eRussian fund or something like that. While I don't mind the Shaolins necessarily being in control, the ways you've gone about it and the ways you've used your newfound powers are starting to annoy me.

I've noticed most Shaolin citizenships have been going out to Russians. I really don't mind this, the Shaolin is free to do what they want with their citizenship and can give it to whomever they want to as can any ruling party. What bothers me is that most of these Russians return to Russia and don't bother with Switzerland other than to vote.

I have a problem with this, if we're just giving citizenship to others so they can vote for us then are we really working for Switzerland or ourselves? While I don't mind the Shaolin giving out citizenship to their supporters in Russia, I'd at least prefer it if these people would actually stay in Switzerland. If we want a truly strong and united Switzerland, we're going to need more citizens. I urge the Shaolin to only give citizenship to people they know will stay in, and be loyal to Switzerland.

To put it simply, they need to change. While there's nothing wrong with leaving taxes low, we can't put it down to 1%, especially on import taxes. If we want the Swiss government or any local Swiss companies to make money, we're going to have to raise taxes a bit on imports. Local Swiss companies should be the ones dominating the market, not foreign companies making bucketloads of cash back at home. The income taxes also need to be raised a bit, hopefully to 5-7%. If we want the Swiss government to be even remotely strong, we're going to need money. One of the best ways to go about this is something as simple as raising the taxes a bit.

The Swiss Resistance

While I applaud the effort to go about resisting what you percieve to be a threat for the best of Switzerland, the Shaolin don't have to be our enemies. By creating this movement for a Swiss Resistance we're just splitting the country even farther apart. The most imporant thing is that we can be a strong and united Switzerland. All of this fighting is going to accomplish absoluetly nothing but turning them off from Switzerland. While I don't mind that the Shaolins and Swiss Resistance might have some different opinions on taxes and foreign policy, I think we should all agree that we need to be united. Sure, I don't agree with the Shaolins too much and personally, I think we belong in EDEN. But fighting them like this and calling ourselves a resistance force isn't the way to do it.


I've been throwing around some ideas lately of how to go about unifying ourselves. First of all, I think we should give regions to each group in a sense for congressional elections. Romandie would belong to the SLP and SDP. Deutschschweiz would go to the Shaolin and SNP. And the last (2) region(s) would go to anyone who wants to run there. This way there's still a competition for congress but at least both sides can be happy when they get their 10 congressmen in.

Another idea is something that we all obviously want, Graubunden. There's several ways we can go about this. We can talk with the Italians and ask that they RW it back to us since Aosta Valley is now back to their posession. If this falls through we can always try and do it militarily. We would send over the entire Swiss military to Italy and RW the region back. While the second is the least likely, and the hardest to accomplish, it would guarantee at least some effort to bring about unity in the country. It would be something that all of us could stand behing, an idea that unites us together.

You might consider me a Shaolin appeaser or whatever but that's not what I want. I really just want us to unite. The Italians have Graubunden and they're not going to be giving it back any time soon unless we all learn to work together.

Comrades, this is not a call for war, but instead a call for unity. We must all become one. Throw off all of the old labels we have placed on each other, Shaolin, Liberals, Democrats, Penguins. I say we put on new ones. There will only be one label, and it will read eSwiss. That's what we need to be Switzerland. We need to be a united force. Only through unity will we ever be able to make this country as great as I know it can be.