A Call for Unity.

Day 1,652, 16:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Southstreet

I know this is an outrageous proposal, but...

Let's try to start setting aside the party politics and start working together eh?

We've got a ton of people complaining from every side of the political sphere about things that are going wrong and not a lot of solutions.

So some of us are TUP, some of us are ESO, some of us are PCP. Who cares? I know we can put eUK first if we try.

My proposal is this:

Let's address the problems by compromising, and finding mature resolutions to each of them.

Support those who want to work. Mentor them and guide them respectfully. Don't try to draw lines of experience, but those who do have it, step up.

There are a lot of ambitious, mature players in the eUK. Sure, there's a few buggers who ruin it and cause blood to boil, but we can ignore those few.

Support players based on their effort, not their list of job titles.

Experience players are recognized in the public eye. Your support of a progressive cause will be seen, and more easily supported.

BE LEADERS. Not Belly Itchers.

In general,

Let's all stop being twats and get things done this next term. eUK is friggen great. Let's act like it.

So we've got an inactive ministry and CP. There's not much we can do about it until the 5th. Fine.

So let's make preparations for the term change. Let's vote a candidate who promotes a serious plan for reparation.

Let's vote a candidate based on their plan, and activity, not just because they are in our party.

I'm above party politics and the newfag vs oldfag game.

We can do this eUK. It just actually takes some maturity.

Feel free to discuss, praise, or complain about my post.

Sir Southstreet
East of England Congressman