A Brief History of Small Nations

Day 1,294, 21:28 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Existence isn’t a stable condition for a small nation. The realistic function of such states at the global level is to form a negative space between powers that do have an effect on the world. It is completely likely on any given day that Austria remains entirely absent from the minds of every person not a citizen of it. When we are exploited, it is scarcely thought a tragedy; when we lend our aid to nations in need, it is a silent heroism.

To our west, Switzerland has just joined the realm of the wholly vanished. Their best and only hope is to persuade Macedonia to give Slovenia the originally Italian province, Lombardy. This would connect Slovenia to the regions of Svizzera italiana and Deutschschweiz, newly acquired from Switzerland, without need of Graubunden, which would be returned to the Swiss. To their credit, Slovenia has already agreed to the plan. Macedonia has no need of the region they would be sacrificing. Switzerland’s existence is ultimately dependent on Macedonian President DedaNoe’s whim.

Even as we are huddled in Carinthia, it is important not to be discouraged. The less populous the nation, the more its success is derived from the individual’s optimism and participation. If Austria should be given any accolade, it must be for its perseverance. In this little nation’s history, it has been dealt every possible difficulty and misfortune and still, something worthy of our pride always, always remains standing.

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