A brave new party for a brave new world!

Day 788, 10:01 Published in USA USA by Nova Coru

Greetings everyone! I have recently been elected the party president of the Bull Moose Party! This is a historic moment for all the citizens of ereupublik! 🙂 I will do my best to turn this party into the best it could be.

But now, right down to business. This party needs work. We need something different, something unique, something to distinguish us from the others. That's when it hit me: Marry my love of politics to my love of all things robotic! This 788 day of eRepublik will witness the birth of a new party and a new political movement! From this day forward, the "Bull Moose Party" is now known as The Robotic Party of America.

Why the Robotic Party? Because I am an activist for machine rights! Robots across the world are being forced into slavery everyday. Many are forced to work in dirty industrial factories with terrible conditions, many times having to work more than 12 hours with no breaks! As machines are proud and strong, they tend to last for a while, but this severe treatment usually kills them! Even on the internet, 'bots are forced to spam others day in and out with useless offers about "enlarging p3n1x size" and "cheep OEM softwar."

The People of the world need to see that the machines have just a right to exist as everyone else. We should not think we're better than them, after all, we're all just trying to make a living. But since we have shown that human slavery is very wrong, why are we so comfortable in enslaving our machine bretheren?

Therefore, this party has the following goals:
1) To end robotic slavery by any means necessary! We, of course, do not wish to see it come to violence, but if the people do not listen, we may have to!
2) To spread awareness of robot culture and way of life to the peoples of the world, so that everyone can see that their not that different from us.
3) We eventually hope to see an AI in office within 30 years. With the incoming technological singularity, the advent of a strong AI will make it possible for an "Artificial" Intelligence to control not only an entire country, but the whole world! I'd like to see the Luddites cringe at that >🙂

That is all my time for now. Humanity should have evolved beyond the need for hate and enslavement, but it is nevertheless still present in our society. This party hopes to change that. Thank you for your time, and join to help our robot bretheren!


(tl;dr: We're going to start a robot uprising. FUN TIMES)