A Bag in the Wind

Day 2,143, 17:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

I come to you today as a citizen of eSouth Africa; a citizen that cares very much for the future of our country and the survival of our peoples. I come because we are once again in danger of a PTO, once again by the Lazokrats.

I contemplated running myself, then when Claudio announced he was running I got behind his candidacy (he's the kind of guy we need). Then when he dropped out, I once again thought that maybe I should run. After all, who best to counter a PTO than a former PTO'er? And who best to counter pitiful DDoS attacks than a living God among insurgents such as myself. Sometimes you have to fight fire with a much bigger fire (and that, my friends, is how I got kicked out of Fireman school). I was like a bag in the wind.

And then along comes Wilpanzer. Fresh off the Dutch / Netherlands / Norway, or whatever hell boat he came off of. It was just a few months ago at the start of the last Lazokrat / Leon takeover that Wilpanzer gave up on the good fight, turn tail and ran off to another country, denouncing his citizenship in the process. It was not until I myself readmitted him into the country and approved his citizenship request that he came back.

And since then, what has he done? He first came back to the South African Gold Party, newly rebirthed as the African National Alliance, and after only being in the party a few days he requested IRC meetings and discussion about making changes. I denied his request to join our party HQ messages due to being such a new member. Trust and respect must be earned. It's not a Right I give to everyone.

So instead of sticking along, earning his spot like everyone else, Wilpanzer did what Wilpanzer does. He told us our party was a "bust" anyways, and after less than a week of being in it, he quit. Unwilling to put in any work to earn his spot.

So within a matter of days, or maybe even hours, Wilapanzer was not only a member of the Independent Alternative, he was a candidate for Party President, which he lost. He said something about becoming less active and taking a break from erepublik too. I don't know what's up with that.

So then I see Wilpanzer announced he was running for CP through the Independent Alternative. Now I may not be the de-facto PP of ANA anymore, but I still keep in communications with officials in just about every party in eSA and it would appear that Wilpanzer announced his intent to run for CP before the party had even decided and announced its candidate. So upon being told that he had not been chosen to run for IA, Wilpanzer did what Wilpanzer does. He left his party and went to one that better suits his personal ambitions; one where he could run for president.

We don't need a bag in the wind to be our president. We need someone with a plan, someone that stands firm, someone with the necessary connections. We need an ATO candidate and the person I believe will best accomplish that is thekoki.

The less active we are, the easier of a target we are. Let's show those Lazokrats what we're made of!

~The Honorable Arch Bishop Dr. Marmaduke Exilious Alphonso IV, Sr, OB/GYN
Minister of Foreign Affairs, eSouth Africa