There is Still Time to Run for Congress [OMG]

Day 669, 05:41 Published in Germany Germany by Open Minded Germany HQ

Open Minded Germany is progressing greatly. I am happy to see that many newer players becoming candidates of the congressional elections next week. I know they do well and I am really excited to see some new fresh faces in the Bundestag and in eGerman political discourse. There is still time, OMG members, to get involve into politics. If you want to be congressman/congresswoman please sign up

Also if you did not do so already, join the eGerman forum and request OMG under usergroup. Join in the discussion of the party. The party is for you, so why not enjoy it fully!

This month, we have a strong list of candidate and I know this election would truly be interesting. It is about time for the largest party in eGermany to regain most seats in the Bundestag. OMG apathy has ended and a new more vibrant OMG will usher in a non-partisan voice into eGerman politics.


This is what Open Minded Germany is about, people from different walks of life with different ideas coming together in a community as one. New, old left, right, native German speaker, and non-native speakers, it does not matter. We are all eGermans and should be treated as such. The Ying and Yang, we are of equality and rational discourse. As long as you have an idea you are qualified in OMG. Come join us.

Konrad Neumann
Vice MoFA
Ambassador to eUK
Congressman of Brandenburg and Berlin
Party President of Open Minded Germany

New players, please refer to the following links as they might make your experience easier and more entertaining.

New Player Guide

The Der Bundesanzeiger newspaper is from the Bundeskanzleramt which the president writes in.

The Wehrverwaltung newspaper is from the Bundeswehr and this is the place where you get military orders, and military information.

The BMI Report newspaper is from the Bundesministerium des Inneren and they write a lot about what is happening in the country and what congress is doing.

The Bundesbank News from the Bundesbank discusses all things financial.