9. Ausgabe - Interview mit AvanT, dem CP Indonesiens

Day 1,044, 14:15 Published in Germany Germany by Embassy of Germany

Guten Tag, eDeutschland,

Heute haben wir ein Interview auf der Speisekarte! Der CP des wunderschönen Landes Indonesien AvanT, hat unserem Botschafter ein wenig Zeit gewidmet, um ein paar Fragen zu beantworten.

Ist zwar auf Englisch, aber das sollte euch eher keine Schwierigkeiten bereiten, hoffe ich. Wenn ihr irgendwelche Fragen zum Interview oder zum Land habt, einfach in die Kommentare. Und das mit dem "Vote" ist eh Ehrensache oder? ; )

Indonesien besteht aus 13.000 Inseln, wusstest du das? Die müssen sie alle einzeln verteidigen) : )
Interessiert dich auch als Real-Land, vielleicht für einen Urlaub? -
Hier bitte: http://www.abenteuerurlaub-online.de/indonesien-bali-reise.html

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Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Theo Merz für die schicken neuen Botschaftsschilder. 🙂

im Auftrag des MoFA

Interview with the CP of Indonesia, AvanT

What do you think about the recent game changes (work module, etc.)
I am so disappointed that the admins deleted the time-management system, but a bit relieved by the recent war module change. But overall, i'm still waiting for statistical update on economy page by admins or updated tools like ereptools.net. Governing without those data is just like walking in the darkness

Since V2 was introduced did Indonesia's population decrease or increase?
At first, it decreased absolutely from about 14k down to 7k. But after we invaded eAustralia, the popultaion icreased to almost 10k. But i believe it would increase more since we have this new military module.

What do think are the reasons for the decrease?
The detriment at first is just because many disappointment about military module. Many people left the game because their connection is not good enough to support the flash in military module and have enough time to meet the enemies in the BF. It's including my own friend in the office irl.

What do you think about the future of eRepublik?
It depends on the admins for sure. I just gave them many advice including myself (it was about judicial system) but being ignored and i'm sure their ignorance also addressed to many other players. They're not really responsive to many good advices there even if they put the word "signed" in the comments. They probably just focusing on how to make a good game financially for their own sake. That's why they made blunder in "erepublik rising" for many changes on modules that would just worsen the game for the players. I hope the admins got the lesson from it.

What changes or newcomes would you like to see in Erepublic?
Numerous! if i can make a list, it would be like this:

a. Judicial system: let the players considered the law violation themselves so the game would be enriched with new entities like constitutions, courthouse, police department, judge, attorney, lawyers etc

b. Cabinet system: admins should provide the module not only for president, but also to the ministers and give them special ability to access particular data or messaging peoples instantly.

Since V2 wars are getting rare. How do you think to change this?
The admins have changed it again in a good way.

Do think the PHOENIX alliance is well led and are their decisions transparent to their members?
I think it's improper to consider the alliance condition recently while we're facing the mastercard-freak-alliance. It's unbearable hard times for us and so many countries were going inactive. But for this short-term, we should look forward on PHX financial system that these huge amounts of MPP are killing our golds. If the PHX officials could make a breakthrough it would be a historical achievement like international trade agreement or free trade system in alliance which initiated with reconsideration each alliance country's role for alliance economy.

Do you think Germany is an important member of the alliance?
A very, very, very important member! We recognize germans with their well coordinated manners in battlefield and in diplomacy things. And we expect more germans would join eGermany in near future.

What could Germany do better from your point of view?
I only hope that germany could be more active in the alliance with more movements for the sake of the alliance good.

What country is the biggest threat for Indonesia?
In my opinion, it's Romania. They sometimes play dirty against us in battlefield and even in media. But i'm also worried to see eChina now. I'm so regretful to see the country which we built long time ago and now opposing us.

How do you deal with the threat?
We couldn't deal with them alone, that's why we have to fully support PHX ... support our brothers.

Final question: Why do you think people are playing this game?
Because i play this game *wkwkwk*. No seriously, it's very weird to play the game by making you to read and write more. But as for me, i play this game because i love this game. Even if the love is not as great as it was. But every good changes in erepublik would get my appreciation for sure.

Aus unserer Botschaft Indonesien: von crazy commander

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Im Gegensatz zum RL musst du nicht einmal in diesem Quiz bestehen, um deutscher Botschafter zu werden. Sie froh! ; ) http://www1.spiegel.de/active/quiztool/fcgi/quiztool.fcgi?id=53853

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