7th Armoured - Recruitment

Day 1,236, 10:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Despite repeated attempts to obtain a retraction of a banning order related to the UKWP this has not occured and as such the 7th Armoured Division is reorganising.

With a view to ensuring that furthur extensions of such censure and to mitigate the disadvantages that this would place on members of the UKWP, The '7th' is now a military unit where members are free to join, fight, rank up and organise in a similar manner to those enjoyed by members of other parties.

Therefore to enlist in the '7th';

1. You must be a member of the UKWP
2. You must work in a 'Desert Rat' Tank company
(offers are here - http://economy.erepublik.com/en/market/job/29/0/3/0/desc/3) your wage will be set at 'your skill level' x3

before applying.

All ranks and experience are welcome.

In return the '7th offers' a daily supply rate of;

15 Q5 Food
3 Q5 tanks
Moving tickets as req'd

Supplies WILL be doubled for crucial battle on eUK soil.

Our Chief of Operations, Atarrax has set-up our strike channel #desert_rats on rizon.

Daily strike time will be 1800H daily for all that can get on-line and any other issues effecting you and your time in service can be addressed.
