Dissertation to the Public

Day 408, 22:39 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

A few things have happened since I was elected to serve Tennessee as congressman. So let's begin.

Representing You

Time Magazine once called the Person of the Year "You." I have worked very hard to be all that I said I would be in congress. So far, I voted for a total of ten proposals. Not all of them were yes, and not all of them were no. In case you did not get my message (I only sent it to those not-banned, currently residing in Tennessee, and at or above experience level two), you can go to this page to keep up with my voting record. I keep it up-to-date and update it every time I vote on a proposal.

I pledged to be more transparent, and I cannot see this site preventing that. If anything, what is now lacking transparency is one not looking at the site. Will my voting record be used against me if I was to run again in January for a second mandate? Possibly, but I want the people to know what is being voted on. I also pledged another thing: To be easily contactable.

I am asking and encouraging anyone that I represent to message me - or my storage organization if my inbox is full - with concerns on my voting or any opinions they may have about proposals. I also am taking into consideration any suggestions for proposals which the citizens may want to see manifest.

A Quick New Years Resolution

A good friend of mine, Vice Presidential Candidate-PrincessMedyPi, announced her "My New Years Resolution: Be...Myself". Well, some of my readers and close friends have come to associate me with a Jones Soda Bottle. I am jesting to even say that some think that I am nothing more but a bottle of sugary goodness.

Well, PrincessMedyPi and I both agreed that on New Years we would change our avatars to us. She, of course, shadows me in both popularity and beauty. Regardless, I will include my face, my actual hideous face, to the masses. Of course, it would be a travesty to break the custom of having Jones Soda Bottles everywhere, so I'll hide them in the pictures.

Hopefully this will not make some regret knowing me, or voting for me. It is an action that I believe could only help me: Either I get the sympathy vote or I get praise for showing myself to the masses. I will also take this opportunity to say that I will do what I do best: Arguing eUS economics and acting like an arm-chair Senator.

To Business

I have been running a Raw Material (RM) company for a very short time now, and have mostly been toying with Manufacturing companies. Before I gained interest in the RM market, I was against the proposed tax changes by the 12th Congress to increase the Income Tax of all RM to 10%. There were excuses that "if they knew any better, they would know how to avoid the tax," and, "it will weed out the weaker companies and leave the stronger ones behind." This is true, but it's more than just that. Along with my silent outcry against these proposals was a close associate and business partner, John Jay (Congressman of Wyoming, Entrepreneur, Critic of eJudaism).

The majority of businesses are, unfortunately, made up of the zombie-clicking personnel which log in, work, train, do some business and maybe read some media and get offline until the next day. Most would not know of the Money Market (MM) and its value in bypassing the Income Tax, and it cannot be denied that this is fact.

I am all for uniform taxation, but possibly the "uniform" should be describing the three sectors of the economy: Land (RM), Manufacturing (MANU), or Construction (CONST). I am starting to believe that if we were to make the sectors independent of each other, but the actual levels below the sectors be uniform, it would work much more appropriately.

ie. All the companies within RM (Grain, Wood, Iron, Diamond, Oil) have the same figures; the same exact Income and Import taxes. For instance, they will all be 5/5 (Income/Import).

ie II. Now, all the companies within MANU (Weapon, Gift, House, Food, Ticket) will also have the same figures. However, they may not be completely "uniform" with the other sectors. Assuming the RM taxes are as I described above, MANU taxes could be 7/10/25 (VAT/Income/Import). etc. for CONST.

With this said, why do this? What is the entire purpose? What is my argument?

Whenever a company wants to sell, no matter whom they may be, they want profit. Unless they are running some "not-for-profit" or "non-profit" company, there is to be profit desired. Of course, RM companies are selling to their MANU and CONST and are dong so to gain a profit. Likewise, MANU and CONST companies are attempting to make a profit as well.

By raising any RM, this will mean that they have to sell higher to generate a profit. Even now, some industries are suffering tough times. By selling their RM stock for higher, this will drive up the cost of MANU and CONST products as well.

ie. Company Wood is selling for 1 USD. It does not have the money to export (or do so effectively) and is struggling to stay afloat. Congress has passed a 10% tax increase in its income. So, to make profit, it (thinks it) must raise its prices from 1 USD to 1.20 USD. Of course, not all are ignorant and know the MM trick and may be doing so to bypass this income tax increase. Then again, why would they keep prices low when the more ignorant General Managers (GMs) are raising their prices?

Now, Company House was selling for 500 USD. However, due to the rise in RM prices, it must raise its own prices to 535 USD. Also take into account it would have its own income tax or other combination with a VAT. Now its products cost 575 USD. A major raise just because both companies are trying to gain profit. A double-profit fight, I guess is the closest I could get to naming it.

Well, there is my view. But what am I proposing? I am proposing that we just get rid of the income tax with RMs, but maybe lower the Import a bit to generate some compensation in our treasury. Killing the income tax from 10% to the lowest able value would be one of the best options. What ever is decided on as an appropriate amount, - considering Income and Import - should be uniform to all RM products. It makes no sense to have grain taxed 10% of some figure but have iron taxed 1%. It is manipulation of the markets and a precursor to planned economies.

Are these companies money-hungry? Should they be "punished" for their actions? Of course not! They are simply trying to turn a profit, which does nothing but help our economy. Either they invest in better wages, benefits, or expand the quality of their company. Some may export, bringing in foreign currencies. However, this solution will help to keep the inflation of prices in RM low while they can still find profits and not have to pass on the burden to the MANU or CONST companies.

Does this mean that we should do the same for CONST and MANU? Of course not! CONST and MANU actually have lots of room for taxation and income for the Federal Government. Not only this, but the profit margins are much wider and easier to come by. Unlike RM, MANU and CONST are easily extremely profitable if done correctly right "out of the box" with a few restrictions.

However, this also means that we could recover, with less increase in prices, revenue. By giving all MANU companies a universal VAT/Income/Import figure, this means that the RM would not be attempting to recover more (or lost) profits and the increases would only come from the MANU companies themselves. A similar policy could be adopted for CONST companies with similar outcomes.

For any and all debate on this, I plan to post this on the eUS Forums, which I encourage anyone reading to be a regular participant on!

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To Do List:

Check out the many links throughout the article. Some of them are pretty nifty.

Vote this up in the name of everything good and kosher. If you skipped to the end to read this list, then just trust me: It was great, but long-winded. Subscribing also will help in the name of "kosher."

Get active in your region. Talk to your congressman! You congressmen, talk to your citizens! You are not a leader, but a voice; a servant of the people.

-Jewitt, Chief Editor