70mD for Congress!

Day 635, 06:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 70mD
Greetings fellow eRepublikans,

I announce my candidacy for the South East of England Congressional elections taking place shortly.

About Me:
My name is 70mD, i more interesting way of writing TomD, my real name. I've been on eRepublik for almost 10 months now, and am loving every minute. Some of you may have heard of me, from the past when I was a highly active figure in the FTP - The Free Thinking Party. I'm a hugely ambitious person and i wish to make a change to eRepublik, and change for the people. Of course, you will have all heard this before, all politicians in the history of the world have been 'for the people', but that's how a politician should be.
I have had many 'cultural learnings', i started my eRepublik life off in eChina, i lived their for around a month before deciding that I, as an Englishman, would probably be better off in the eUK, so I moved to London where i joined the TUP and later the Communist Party. I enjoyed much prosperous time in eUK but for more personal reasons i moved to eCanada, to Ontario, where i settled for around 3 weeks. When I got there I joined The Caesar Salad Party, not the largest, or admittedly the best named, but it's members were friendly and I believed in it's values. But Party President Caesar was defeated and the party took a turn for the worse. The party was re-named Homocidal Anarchy, and was extremist right. This wasn't popular and the party began to decline. I myself went up for Congress elections that month, but the party declined so much and lost so much respect that the party lost so many members it was no longer in the top 5.
My political ambitions in eCanada were not to be met, so on request of my best friend, Chuck, better known on here as Hoth, newly elected Party President of the Free-Thinking Party, I moved back to eUK, this time to the East of England, where I resided for a good while and went for Congressman, a position I won!
I felt I was a good Congressman, and I truely enjoyed voting on things, things that really mattered to the people, things that made a difference, it felt good being a part of it.
After that I fought some wars for a while, I moved to Romania to gain some fighting experience, and am now upto the rank of Colonel.
Then when Romania began to lose and tried to stop the wars I moved away, I moved to Italy, then Germany, and finally Japan. I had lots of fun talking to all the foreign people and finding out about all the different ways each country differed from the eUK.
I then after a month of two in Japan moved back here, to the good 'ole eUK. I've started a business and joined the BEP - The British Empire Party. All is going well and im enjoying my time on eRepublik still, after 10 months, as much as I did to start with.
That is my entire eRepublik life up until now.

The Party:
On returning to the eUK I chose a party which held beliefs I have, and had at it's head a leader I knew and trusted. The BEP represents my views, and that's the party i am representing! The parties leader, DodgyD is an old friend from my FTP days, and I know I can trust him to guide the party is the best direction possible.

As a virtual game eRepublik relies on communication, and this communication is taken to the next level when an induvidual reaches a position of power, such as the position I am going for, Congressman.
I wish to be a Congressman of the people, for the people and by the people. To do this communication is vital, otherwise i don't know what you truly want. To make communication between myself and you as strong as possible urge you strongly to PM me about anything and everything, and i will consider it, and do what i can to help. To keep up with you all i will post regular updates in this newspaper, the faithful Maltese Knight. Then there are forums, i am active on most eRepublik forums, of which i check at least once a day. Am am especially active of the Maltese Forums, as Malta has a special place in my heart, but of course duties would come before that.

My Commitment:
I have always been faithful to those who support me, and extremely loyal to my friends, of which my list is growing all the time.
For those who question me I would direct you to my campaigns and effort in creating an eMalta (Look through my Newspaper) and through my recent aid to elect Hoth and generally helping out the Free Thinking Party, such as creating ideas for new logos, which the FTP was very interested to change to show it's new angle on Party Politics.
I am very ambitious, and I want to help you, all of you in my constituency. If when you elect me there is anything you want done then please, I urge you to PM me, contact me in any way shape or form, I will help you all!

I would like to finish my talk with the old Free Thinking Party motto and add a spin of my own:

Free The Word; Free The People.

Thanks to everyone,